Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Nasty Sunday


Crash Gordon®

Twenty+ years of doing welfare checks on my worst fear was realized. Checking on neighbor/client's welfare, I found her dead on the floor - natural causes - Nasty Sunday.

Jim Rojas

Sorry to hear that. Did she have a medical pendant?

Jim Rojas

Twenty+ years of doing welfare checks on my worst fear was
realized. Checking on neighbor/client's welfare, I found her dead on the
floor - natural causes - Nasty Sunday.

Crash Gordon®

No, it was at her house, she was house sitting a her son's house...also a client. She wouldn't have had time anyway, I think she died on her way from the bed to the floor, doesn't look like she moved after she hit the floor...probably died instantly.

Sad..really shook me up too.. been trying do deal with this all day.

Jim Rojas

I have seen my share of death...mostly old friends or people I knew from the
neighborhood dying from drug overdoses in NYC. After a few, you get use to

Jim Rojas

No, it was at her house, she was house sitting a her son's house...also a
client. She wouldn't have had time anyway, I think she died on her way from
the bed to the floor, doesn't look like she moved after she hit the
floor...probably died instantly.

Sad..really shook me up too.. been trying do deal with this all day.

Nick Markowitz

Sorry to hear what happened to you.Being in the fire service i have seen my
share of death and grief. it is hard to get over it.
Nick Markowitz Jr.
Markowitz Electic Protection
Private Industry Fire Investigator.
Qualified Electrical- Fire Alarm Contractor
Registered EPA Freon Recovery

Contributing Editor Pa. Firemans Magazine
Staff Editor
Senior Correspondant
Exclusive Correspondant
Contract Broadcast Engineer WAVL 910 AM apollo Pa.

"To error is human to realy foul things up requires a computer"

Irish Diplomacy

The ability to tell a man to go to hell and he tells you how much he is
going to enjoy the trip.

Crash Gordon®

Me too, I'm from NY originally, but I never get used to it. I was an EMT in NYC for a while, my wife is ER charge nurse...I think she's a little more hardened to it than I am though.

I seem to have flash memory images burned into my personal RAM of every doa I've ever seen. Still have images from 30 years ago.

Jim Rojas

Worst for me was a person I knew from the neighborhood who was usually high
on drugs...robbed my wife at gunpoint of her engagment ring...about one
month later he accidentially shoots himself in the groin...He was found dead
on his sofa with my wife's ring on his pinky finger. He must have been there
a few days...

Needless to say, I got the ring back a few weeks later, thanks to a some
friends in the NYPD.

Jim Rojas

Me too, I'm from NY originally, but I never get used to it. I was an EMT in
NYC for a while, my wife is ER charge nurse...I think she's a little more
hardened to it than I am though.

I seem to have flash memory images burned into my personal RAM of every doa
I've ever seen. Still have images from 30 years ago.

Robert L. Bass

Sorry to hear that, bud. At least you cared for her for all those years.

Bob Worthy

Me too, I'm from NY originally, but I never get used to it. I was an EMT in
NYC for a while, my wife is ER charge nurse...I think she's a little more
hardened to it than I am though.

I seem to have flash memory images burned into my personal RAM of every doa
I've ever seen. Still have images from 30 years ago.

Might want to talk to somebody about that.

Crash Gordon®

I just

Bob Worthy said:
Me too, I'm from NY originally, but I never get used to it. I was an EMT in
NYC for a while, my wife is ER charge nurse...I think she's a little more
hardened to it than I am though.

I seem to have flash memory images burned into my personal RAM of every doa
I've ever seen. Still have images from 30 years ago.

Might want to talk to somebody about that.

Crash Gordon®

Thanks man.

Hey, do you know if old 4140xmp has an internal event buffer? I don't send o/c's unless resident is a snowbird...I wanted to see if I could tell when she armed it last.

Robert L. Bass

Hey, do you know if old 4140xmp has
an internal event buffer? I don't send
o/c's unless resident is a snowbird...I
wanted to see if I could tell when she
armed it last.

Gee, I don't know. I quickly looked through the 4140XMPT manual (note the
"T") and found no reference to an event buffer so I kind of doubt it.
Personally, I think you should try to let it go. You did what you could to
help her while she was here. She's gone now and fretting over how and when
it happened will only gnaw at you.

How old was she, by the way?


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
877-722-8900 Sales & Tech Support

Mark Leuck

Thanks man.

Hey, do you know if old 4140xmp has an internal event buffer? I don't send
o/c's unless resident is a snowbird...I wanted to see if I could tell when
she armed it last.

Sorta, it has a 10-day event buffer that erases after 10 days, you can view
it with installer code + 0, it will read off the last 10 days of alarms,
troubles etc but won't tell you when they happened.

You exit with installer code + off however when you do that it resets that
buffer so it will be empty when you try getting back in, can't read it by
downloading either

Crash Gordon®

I just wanted to know when it was armed...cause I didnt have panel programmed to send o/c's - don't need alarm history.

In fact not sure I even want to know anymore, I'm trying to forget the whole thing.

Thanks though.

Mark Leuck

From what I've seen in the docs all it will tell you is what was set off but
not when, very primative like the old DSC 1550/2550/3000 panels

I just wanted to know when it was armed...cause I didnt have panel
programmed to send o/c's - don't need alarm history.

In fact not sure I even want to know anymore, I'm trying to forget the whole

Thanks though.


I hear ya Jim.

I get a kick out of naivety of some of these guys in this group, as
they scoff when I describe what it's like here. I'd guess that
Chicago or Detroit would be the next worse place.

Whenever I travel out of this area, it's like I"m with people from La
La land. I'm watching people, and events taking place, like they're
happening in slow motion.

It's a sorry way to have to live, but if you're going to be here, you
gotta survive. AND ......What better place to run an alarm business?

You have to admit one thing about, living here it sure keeps you an
edge up on most people. You eventually learn to know when you should be
somewhere, when you should react or when to vacate ...........
quickly..... all in a half seconds time.

Do you find yourself feeling more aware of your surroundings and events
than most people down there? Or has the "Southern lull" gotten to you

Robert L. Bass

I get a kick out of naivety of some of these
guys in this group, as they scoff when I
describe what it's like here. I'd guess that
Chicago or Detroit would be the next worse

I lived and worked in NYC for years. It's nowhere near as dangerous as
Jiminex describes. He just likes to try to sound like a tough guy, living
in the "wild west".
Whenever I travel out of this area, it's like
I"m with people from La La land...

Most people seem to think Jiminex resides in Lala Land full time.
I'm watching people, and events taking
place, like they're happening in slow

Your psychiatrist can fix that by adjusting your dosage.
You have to admit one thing about,
living here it sure keeps you an edge
up on most people...

You eventually learn to know when you
should be somewhere...

As opposed to when you're nowhere?
when you should react or when to vacate ...........
quickly..... all in a half seconds time.

Heh, heh, heh... :^)
Do you find yourself feeling more aware
of your surroundings and events than most
people down there?

Do you also find that you can hear things other people don't hear? What do
the voices say?


Robert L. Bass said:
I lived and worked in NYC for years. It's nowhere near as dangerous as
Jiminex describes. He just likes to try to sound like a tough guy, living
in the "wild west".
Robert, here's another fine example of why you bring half the shit you
receive upon yourself.
I know a 7-Eleven store up on Gun Hill Road in the Bronx that shuts down
about every six months or so for a year or so at a time. Why? Not because
they can't find workers to work the store, plenty do. It's because 3 out of
four of them end up dead, shot at gunpoint. 7-Eleven fears for others that
might/will end in the same fate. Things have changed since you last
physically installed alarms in the field/city. For one thing....we no longer
use horse and buggies, and window foil is something we break out for
Halloween. We still use them striker bars though...