Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Napco Gemini P3200 is stupid

Okay, why does this system have an "Interior" button? If I enter my
alarm code and set the alarm, it starts to count down from 60 seconds.
It would be VERY SIMPLE to determine if I need to perform an interior
bypass or not: DID I OPEN THE FRIGGIN DOOR OR NOT?! If I open the door
during the countdown period, clearly I've left the house. If I don't
open the door, then clearly I'm still inside and it should
AUTOMATICALLY perform an interior bypass! Am I just missing something

Mark Leuck

Okay, why does this system have an "Interior" button? If I enter my
alarm code and set the alarm, it starts to count down from 60 seconds.
It would be VERY SIMPLE to determine if I need to perform an interior
bypass or not: DID I OPEN THE FRIGGIN DOOR OR NOT?! If I open the door
during the countdown period, clearly I've left the house. If I don't
open the door, then clearly I'm still inside and it should
AUTOMATICALLY perform an interior bypass! Am I just missing something

Sounds like the programmer is the stupid one

G. Morgan

Subject: Re: Napco Gemini P3200 is stupid
=> [email protected] <= said:
Very constructive response, thanks. So, oh blessed one, how do you
program it to work as I described?

Address 2421, bit 0 .

Will cause all Interior-1 zones to be bypassed if an exit zone is not opened
during exit delay.

Yes, you're right. The Gem-3200 is stupid. Ademco has a one-button solution to

The Napco engineers made a product that does as promised, but it's so
un-intuitive, it's more trouble than it's worth. When you do manage to program
it correctly there is the greater task of explaining it to the end user. I find
their panels to be used optimally with minimal or zero user interaction.
The suggestion is related to the option called Auto-Bypass, however the
documentation specifies that this option will automatically bypass a
zone that is in a trouble state while arming. That's not what I
need... I need to automatically select all the listed Interior devices
automatically after the exit time expires but without having to press
the Interior button, if an exit door was not opened.

Robert L. Bass

Very constructive response, thanks. So, oh
blessed one, how do you program it to work
as I described?

Did I do something to offend you? I was only trying to explain the system
to you. If you really want help with programming, wait a couple of days and
call me during the evening. I'm recovering from the flu at the moment or
I'd offer to help you this weekend.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
877-722-8900 Sales & Tech Support
No, that reply was aimed towards Mark Leuck's response, "Sounds like
the programmer is the stupid one."
You did provide at least half of a response -- you said it could be
done, but didn't provide a way to do it... the only option I can see
is auto-bypass, but that will only auto-bypass a zone in "trouble"

Robert L. Bass

No, that reply was aimed towards Mark Leuck's response,
"Sounds like the programmer is the stupid one."

Never mind him. He likes to start trouble.
You did provide at least half of a response -- you said it
could be done, but didn't provide a way to do it... the
only option I can see is auto-bypass, but that will only
auto-bypass a zone in "trouble" state.

If you're using Napco software to program it (and you really should be doing
so) go into the Feature View screen. Scroll down to "Interior 1 Bypass" and
place a "Y" in the appropriate columns.

FWIW, whoever sold you the system really should have offered to program it
for you as well. It only takes a few minutes once you're experienced using
the software.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
877-722-8900 Sales & Tech Support

Mark Leuck

No, that reply was aimed towards Mark Leuck's response, "Sounds like
the programmer is the stupid one."
You did provide at least half of a response -- you said it could be
done, but didn't provide a way to do it... the only option I can see
is auto-bypass, but that will only auto-bypass a zone in "trouble"

You are the one who said it was a stupid panel, try looking at location 1284
and 1384, if anything's stupid it's the person who programming it

Robert will give you a half of a response because he only knows how to
download the panel, he can't keypad program it

Mark Leuck

G. Morgan said:
Subject: Re: Napco Gemini P3200 is stupid

I already told you:

Address 2421, bit 0 .

Will cause all Interior-1 zones to be bypassed if an exit zone is not opened
during exit delay.

Message-ID: <[email protected]>

But you also have to tell the panel which zones are to auto bypass
"Address 2421, bit 0" and "location 1284 and 1384" are meaningless to
me. I know how to use the PC loader software. Spewing those addresses
does show how remarkably knowledgable you guys are, and how terribly
unwilling to help out. I find much of this to be showmanship and ego,
plus maybe a bit of you-simply-don't-know-how. Now, if someone
genuinly knows how to accomplish this (no, it's not auto-bypass and no,
it's not simply marking it as an Interior zone), and you know how to
set this up using the PC loader software (this screen, this page, that
option, click this, etc), then by all means I welcome your advice.
But, if you're just going to spew nonsense to somehow show-off that you
know this panel then please don't reply because you're embarrassing
yourself. Knowing this panel at the address level is no great
accomplishment worthy of an ego.

Robert L. Bass

"Address 2421, bit 0" and "location 1284
and 1384" are meaningless to me. I know
how to use the PC loader software...

OK fine. Did you try what I suggested earlier using the software? It's not
very complicated. Any you're right that you shouldn't need (or want) to do
address level programming on that panel.
... and you know how to set this up using
the PC loader software (this screen, this
page, that option, click this, etc), then by
all means I welcome your advice.

I guess I know how to do it. I've been a Napco dealer for many years and I
routinely use the software. Calm down (we're not all jerks), give me a call
in the evening and I'll help you out.
Knowing this panel at the address level
is no great accomplishment worthy of an

That's true but if you're real short on accomplishments... :^)


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
877-722-8900 Sales & Tech Support

Frank Olson

Robert L. Bass said:
OK fine. Did you try what I suggested earlier using the software? It's
not very complicated. Any you're right that you shouldn't need (or want)
to do address level programming on that panel.

This statement alone proves you've never actually field serviced the
equipment in question.

I guess I know how to do it. I've been a Napco dealer for many years and
I routinely use the software. Calm down (we're not all jerks), give me a
call in the evening and I'll help you out.

The OP isn't even a customer, yet you told "loops" (who purchased a whole
system from you) to call you tomorrow (Monday) to resolve his issue.
Interesting "demonstration" of your customer service skills. It's all about
"showmanship" (or "oneupmanship"), isn't it, Robert??

That's true but if you're real short on accomplishments... :^)

which you've quite obviously demonstrated...

Mark Leuck

"Address 2421, bit 0" and "location 1284 and 1384" are meaningless to
me. I know how to use the PC loader software. Spewing those addresses
does show how remarkably knowledgable you guys are, and how terribly
unwilling to help out.

Had you told us from the beginning you were downloading it then perhaps my
response would be different although if you bothered to look at the
programming manual you would have found those locations and then cross
referenced it in the download software. Thats how I often do it

Most people program via the keypad and don't download
I find much of this to be showmanship and ego,

Again you were the one complaining about the stupidity of the panel
No, Robert, using Interior 1 Bypass requires you to press the Interior
button prior to arming. I want the fact that I didn't open an exit
door within the exit delay time to indicate that Interior Bypass should
automatically turn on.
Okay, Mark, I have the programming manual on my lap. Where's "Address
2421, bit 0" or "Location 1284 and 1384" located? Which page? And,
after you locate it, how does that apply to the pc loader software?
Amazing... 18 posts and still no clear-cut answers, just accusations
and ego. Just as I suspected -- it can't be done.

Mark Leuck

Okay, Mark, I have the programming manual on my lap. Where's "Address
2421, bit 0" or "Location 1284 and 1384" located? Which page?

Depends on the version of the panel you have, I'm looking at the v30 PDF
files, G's suggestion is on page 39, mine is on page 33.

My predictions are the following

1. You will not find it on those 2 pages and resist scanning other pages
close to them in case I'm off 1 or 2 pages

2. I predict you will ask what the v30 part means

3. I predict you will ask how to find out what the v30 is and won't be
satisfied until someone holds your hand through this process in pain-staking
detail instead of consulting the manual or looking at the circuit board

4. I predict there is no #4 which means this line doesn't exist
after you locate it, how does that apply to the pc loader software?

Have you tried looking in the zone programming section? I didn't think so
Amazing... 18 posts and still no clear-cut answers, just accusations
and ego.

We've given you clear-cut answers, you just choose not to listen
Just as I suspected -- it can't be done.

That is correct, even tho I and many others out there have done it with no
problems on Napco 3200's it isn't available on your panel which appears to
be stupid.

You seriously considering programming this panel? If so I suggest someone
else do it

Robert L. Bass

No, Robert, using Interior 1 Bypass requires
you to press the Interior button prior to arming.
I want the fact that I didn't open an exit door
within the exit delay time to indicate that
Interior Bypass should automatically turn on.

Well that's no problem. Have you selected the "Automatic Interior Bypass"
function in the program? Do that and assign the appropriate zones to
Interior 1 and all will function as desired.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
877-722-8900 Sales & Tech Support

Robert L. Bass

Okay, Mark, I have the programming manual on my lap. Where's "Address
2421, bit 0" or "Location 1284 and 1384" located? Which page? And,
after you locate it, how does that apply to the pc loader software?
Amazing... 18 posts and still no clear-cut answers, just accusations
and ego. Just as I suspected -- it can't be done.

It can be done but you should probably avoid address programming on that
panel. That has nothing to do with you being a DIYer. I make a living
supporting DIYers and I teach them to do all kinds of things paid installers
say they can't possibly do. However, most installers don't do address
programming on Napco Gemini series panels because there's way too much to
jiminex up.

I told you in a prior post how to accomplish what you want using the


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
877-722-8900 Sales & Tech Support