Maker Pro
Maker Pro



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I normally read things like this from left to right...

It would be a whole lot easier if you gave us more information about what this. At present I don't know if it's the model number of a TV, or something stamped on an 8 pin chip in a power supply.

What is it, and if it's a part of something, what is it a part of? Perhaps a photo would be helpful too.

A very quick google search suggests it may be a PROM. If this is the case, you'd be advised to try to find a datasheet for it.

Over in the Datasheets, Schematics, Manuals and Parts there is a sticky thread describing how to look for datasheets on-line.

It contains some good advice (really!)

This took me a minute or so to find using the basic instructions provided (on the third line...).