Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Mystery IC

I recently bought a small DC voltmeter to use in a power supply and it turns out it only measures down to ~7 volts as it displays the voltage it's powered by. I believe I can cut a trace and add a wire to this IC to measure to 0 volts, but I can't find any information anywhere.

IMG_2136.JPG IMG_2136.JPG
Some small voltmeters can be modified to read down to 0 volt by cutting a link and providing the meter first with the voltage needed to drive the meter, and then another lead to measure the voltage in question. The link is usually in the area of a couple of voltage divider resistors on the input.
With this arrangement it uses a common negative.

Edit...I did one just the other day to read 0-1v but sadly could not use it as I required a floating input.

Do you have a link to your particular meter?
Ok. I’ll try to use a separate supply voltage instead. I don’t really want to ship something from eBAy.

Thanks for the help.
You should look for the onboard regulator for the meter and cut the trace to its input and make your three wire meter a four wire meter.