Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Multiple Sliding Doors - Hobby

Hi Experts

I am doing a temple project for my school ( X Std ) in India. The Project has 7 doors made of styrofoam measuring 6 X 4 inches. Beginning and end of the doors has Limit switch to recognise whether the door is closed or open. All doors are connected with Micro Servo Hobby Motors.

I need the functionality as follows where in I need your guidance.

1. The First Door opens.
2. After the First door fully opens, the second door opens. This goes on till 7th Door.
3. Delay 15 Min
4. 7th Door Closes
5. After it closes, 6th door closes, this goes on till 1st door
6. Delay 15 Min
7. Cycle repeats

Please Help
1. Can i do without controller board and programming ? if yes how
2. If I need to use microcontroller, then need help on which microcontroller, source code and circuit


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Please only post a single thread. Posting multiple threads as you have done is very bad for your karma.

I fear you don't understand servos. You don't need limit switches to tell you if they are open or closed.

And you'll have to do some programming at the very least.

Is this a school project?
Please only post a single thread. Posting multiple threads as you have done is very bad for your karma.

I fear you don't understand servos. You don't need limit switches to tell you if they are open or closed.

And you'll have to do some programming at the very least.

Is this a school project?
Thanks I will delete others. No not a school project but for my home
I think the cmos 4192 (40192) up/down counter should be able to do the job. I do not have the time to consider further. A 4017 will count 0 to 10 to open the doors with perhaps another to shut them.

A microprocessor will do what you want with simpler circuitry but it is not in my area of expertise.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The now deleted suggestion to use a serial servo controller is not bad considering the challenges involved in driving multiple servos at once.