Syd Rumpo
This should be transparent to any existing protocol, except in that itThat was my first intention, but it takes a new microcontroller and the code for the serial protocol has already been written and this would not be welcome by the sw guys
I could use a small microcontroller to act as the glitch detection, but that would add another microcontroller to be programmed which adds production costs
would add a small delay. I'm adding a pair of uC's across the barrier.
All they're doing is converting and passing on the existing serial
comms at a higher speed so that the extra digital line can be added.
Unless I've misunderstood the problem, which is quite likely, this
solution is easy. I would say 'trivial' but every time I use that word,
extra work seems to appear from nowhere.
AIUI now we have...
115k tx--->barrier--->115k rx
But we could have...
115k tx--->Syd's uC1--->barrier--->Syd's uC2-->115k rx
So uC1 receives the existing 115k serial data and sends it at a higher
speed across the barrier. UC2 receives this higher speed serial signal
and sends it on at 115k.
uC1 also has a digital input for the extra signal. uC2 has a
corresponding digital output.
Say, for example, the new barrier rate is 500kbaud, then we could send
alternate bytes across the barrier using a 9-bit protocol. With bit 9
set these could be re-transmitted transparently by uC2 at 115k, with bit
9 clear, these could be your digital data.