Maker Pro
Maker Pro

MT8880 + PIC 16F628 Interfacing Problem


zerang shah


I'm having problems interfacing a MT8880(dtmf tranciever) with a PIC
16F628. I'm not 100% sure, but I think my problem stems from the fact
that the two chips run at a different clock rate. I have my ~3.5MHz
crystal hooked up to the MT8880 as the datasheet calls for, but my PIC
has an internal clock that is a bit faster I think? What I tried to do
is insert a bunch of NOPs between PIC instructions so the MT8880 has
time to see everything, but I have had no success.

Does inserting NOPs sound correct, or am I missing something?? Also,
does anyone have some suggestions as to what I should check and how to

Thanks for the help.


zerang said:

I'm having problems interfacing a MT8880(dtmf tranciever) with a PIC
16F628. I'm not 100% sure, but I think my problem stems from the fact
that the two chips run at a different clock rate. I have my ~3.5MHz
crystal hooked up to the MT8880 as the datasheet calls for, but my PIC
has an internal clock that is a bit faster I think? What I tried to do
is insert a bunch of NOPs between PIC instructions so the MT8880 has
time to see everything, but I have had no success.

Does inserting NOPs sound correct, or am I missing something?? Also,
does anyone have some suggestions as to what I should check and how to

Thanks for the help.

You need to read the data sheet more closely.

You will also need to give more information about your application.

How about a schematic, code, or a better description.

Google is your friend: < >

PS: NO, the NOPs are NOT your problem.


The clocks being different has nothing to do with the problem. I'm using an
8870 with a PIC and it's working fine. What kind of problems are you


i am working at this project too
i want to contact you and ask some question with you
please answer me
thanks for your help


i want to know how you do this project and if you completed your program
and it doesnt work?i mean that you program your pic and complete your
circuit but it doesnt work?