Maker Pro
Maker Pro

MPPC "Multiple pxel Photon Counter"



We're starting to do some research to replace the existing
Photo Multiplier tubes used in the vessels of SF6 gas where
very high voltages are created.(5Mev). etc...

Currently, we have 4 zones of photo multiplier tubes to detect
the smallest photon count possible in the event of an arc or starting
of one.

As some of you may guess, these littler dears are starting to become a
relic and are now doing research to replace them with a
solid state approach...

Our current systems use 8 and 12 stage units, I think the 8 stage
units are actually enough sensitivity..

Looking at the link below, have any of you had experience with these
types of Photon counter components? Over exposure side effects etc.


Phil said:
They're interesting in that they let you keep track of the number of
photons in a pulse.

APDs in general have a very narrow dynamic range compared with
PMTs--they have far, far higher dark count rates and saturate much
sooner. These segmented ones are better, and are a lot more rugged, but
still won't touch a PMT for dynamic range.


Phil Hobbs
We were actually doing this to detect the presents of the smallest
amount. I really don't think we need the dynamic range a PMT offers
in this case. But maybe the range is needed for detection of small
counts of photons ?

We may get a few of these to perform some testing.



Phil said:
What's your expected range of count rates? Doing this sort of thing
with no photon budget leads only to tears.


Phil Hobbs
Well, the whole idea is to not detect any photons :)

I will need to reference what our current PMT's floor
is at normal operating conditions.

This means I have to dig out some old paper work that is most likely
turning yellow and crumbling by now, to convert to readings over to
meaningful figures.

Thanks.. Cul..