Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Motherboard intel "DH55TC which does not turn

Hi, I have a " motherboard intel "DH55TC which does not turn on only the led lamp that has near the female connectors sata of the board, I have checked the smd fuses and other components like condensers etc etc and I find nothing out of Normal, I would like to follow some advice of your experience and if possible where you can get the diagrams or diagrams of said plate for later repair thanks


Hi, I have a " motherboard intel "DH55TC which does not turn on only the led lamp that has near the female connectors sata of the board, I have checked the smd fuses and other components like condensers etc etc and I find nothing out of Normal, I would like to follow some advice of your experience and if possible where you can get the diagrams or diagrams of said plate for later repair thanks

So, have you checked the board with a different known good power supply ?
I have tried with different sources of power and nothing, besides what I need is an electronic response or the steps to follow for this type of problem on the board, so I would like to know if they have the schematic of said motherboard to be able to analyze it


besides what I need is an electronic response or the steps to follow for this type of problem on the board, so I would like to know if they have the schematic of said motherboard to be able to analyze it

what is your electronics experience ?
the problem is likely to be very difficult if not impossible for the average home constructor to repair
Hi, I'm checking for a smd mosfet from a motherboard and reading on at gate after rising to 1400 ohms down to 700 ohms fast, the other transistors on the same license plate do not do the same thing and I would like to know if this is normal