Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Motherboard damaged - help to identify this item


After laptop was returned from a (questionable) lab, it stopped charging & crashes after a minute of use.
Red light is blinking, and the laptop WON'T run on AC power (even if i remove the battery)

I've identified that they have "crushed" this thingy "J9601"

1) what is this thingy "J9601" ?
2) can this Thingy be the cause of the power issue? (also battery indicator is constantly blinking) ?

How it supposed to look: LINK

How it actually looks: LINK

Thanks so much! really need your help.
That appears to be a Jumper from Ground to the case or cover, looks like a springy metal tab that makes electrical contact to provide a path for example, static electricity. Not likely the cause of non-operation.

Harald Kapp

Are all connectors correctly seated? Is the battery still good? Is the external power supply good (does it supply 19 V or so to the motherboard)?