Maker Pro
Maker Pro

MOSFET terminology

Hello all, I'm after buying a bunch of MOSFETs to run a few relays that i'm about to buy from rapid online.

I'm controlling a fairly powerful motor from an mbed micro-controller that can output 3.3v and the solenoids I'm planning to use take 5v to operate.

These ones here..

Any recommendations for good cheap MOSFETs that will allow the desired voltage 5v to pass when I stuff 3.3v in at the gate?

I'm looking at these ones at the moment..

However I haven't a clue about any of the MOSFET terminology and haven't had much luck googling for results (VDS, RDS, ID cont and IDM mean nothing to me!).

If anyone could provide a link to a good human friendly glossary of terms and make sure i'm buying the right thing i'd appreciate the help

All the best
I would not use a MOSFET in that application, and certainly not an P channel one. I would use an NPN bipolar transistor.

The reason I would not use a MOSFET is because even the so called logic level ones typically require more than 3.3V on the gate.

The reason I would not use a p-channel MOSFET is because when the gate is driven by a 3.3V micro and the source is at 5V this gives you either -1.7 or -5V on the gate, relative to the source. If the -5V would turn it on fully the -1.7 would likely turn it on partially.

Also, why does it require a bunch of MOSFETs to run a few relays? I would have though that a few would do :)

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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
you thinking something like a 2N3904 or 2N2222A transistor?

As long as the relay current is well within their Ic ratings, yes.

Remember to place a diode across the relay to absorb transients as the relay switches off (the diode has the cathode at the +ve end of the relay coil so it doesn't conduct while the relay is on. A 1N4001 is typically fine for this)