Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Momentary switch to swap between 2 loads and off

Good Morning Everyone,

I am very new here and am just starting to play with some electronics so please excuse my lack of correct lingo.

I am trying to get a momentary switch to alternate between 2 loads and an off.

So I press the switch, load 1 turns on, press it again, Load 1 turns off, Load 2 turns on, Press it a third time, both turn off.

Also, not sure how much this changes everything but the whole thing runs off 24v

From what I can see an SPDT toggle switch essentially does this however this needs to utilise an existing momentary switch and that is where I am struggling.

I appreciate any assistance you guys can give

Toggle can easily be done with a flip flop circuit, however additional requirements may need a small microcontroller for simplicity.
One thing immediately obvious is what starts to whole process, the same pushbutton??
Thanks for your reply. :)

Yes it is the same button, he is running a couple of solenoids off this, basically each solenoid opens a valve, he will need to open one valve, then the other, then both closed. All of this from an existing single momentary switch.
Given the shutdown at the end off the same button, only option I can see is a microcontroller.
Naturally it will need to be up and running initially to monitor the push button states and counter.