Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Mobility scooter issue

Pride Jazzy 614 HD. Error code shows electromagnetic brake issue. Both brakes and motors tested with direct 24 vDC and work fine.

Is there any way to bypass or trick the controller into thinking the brake is working? This is not a safety issue as the scooter will not be used for carrying a person. Don't know if the issue is in any wiring or actually an issue with the expensive controller. I suspect the controller is sensing a brake error and thereby not allowing current to the electrometic brake and motor.
Welcome to EP!
Both brakes and motors tested with direct 24 vDC and work fine.
If the current path through the controller is bad (failed transistor, broken wire, poor connection) the controller would probably sense that and complain. Is one of the brake connections via the scooter chassis? (Corroded ground connections are a common cause of grief in cars.)
The brakes just connect with a + and - wire from the control box directly to the brake and the brakes are mounted to the back of each motor. There is no specific ground. I'm going to start checking out all wires and see if I can find something. Thanks for the reply.