Maker Pro
Maker Pro

MLCC soldering and dielectric cracking damage



Show us a pcb that you designed and laid out.


The reference was from "The Magic Christian", but you still wont get it
unless you are familiar with the film.

You having a knowledge of films, however, would shock me.


They have not been running on bailout noney?

They have been running on retards dumb enough to buy Fords. So it
appears that all the euro tripe about the intelligence norms in this
nation being in decline may very likely be quite accurate.


Nice sig, Burry. You should always use it, you dumbfuck.

Another IKYABWAI. Have you ever had an original thought, or is that still
in the early planning stages?


Your senile, was 40 IQ but not any more mentality (and soul) was not
that hard for me to conquest, sport.

Goodness! I think that's one of the most awkward, poorly-written sentences
I've ever had the misfortune of reading. It's almost like watching a clown
trip over his own tongue.

Perhaps your brain's overheating. Better check the safety valve before the
top of your head blows off. Again.


Perhaps your brain's overheating.

This retarded JW twit wants to attack my English, and thinks
contracting "brain is" as "brain's" is correct.

Grow up, you senile, retarded, old jackass.

You're the idiot.



Whaaah... Wah... Wah... WWWaaaaaaaahhhhh!

Why don't you go find a pissy little crybaby group to wail in, boy?
Whimpering here will only get you recognized as the fucking dolt you are.


"In adults, occupational exposure is the main cause of lead
poisoning.[19] People can be exposed when working in facilities that
produce a variety of lead-containing products; these include radiation
shields, ammunition, certain surgical equipment, fetal monitors,
plumbing, circuit boards, jet engines, and ceramic glazes."

Yes, idiot. Battery makers, Bullet makers, PCB makers ALL utilize
molten vats of lead in their manufacturing processes. Guess what rises
off such molten vats? Guess what compounds are in the dross scrapings,
etc.? Guess what industry does NOT have histories of lead exposure.
That's right, idiot, OUR industry. You know **** all NIL about Lead,

Guess what industry does NOT use such molten vats? That's right,
dumbfuck... The ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY. After the PCB gets made, the
exposure to salts and compounds of lead is minimal if not NIL. Us
scientists made it that way, and spent decades perfecting the processes,
just so we could cow down to utter fucking retards.

The manufacture of "lead containing products" generally has risks.
Generally, the USE of said products does NOT.

Get a fucking clue, dumbfuck!

You read the article and didn't get a goddamned bit of it.


This retarded JW twit wants to attack my English, and thinks
contracting "brain is" as "brain's" is correct.

Sure, why not? Perhaps the word "brain" is confusing you? Maybe the last
time you rooted around for nose-nuggets you inadvertently yanked your gray
matter out. Look on the underside of your chair, it might still be
plastered there.
Grow up, you senile, retarded, old jackass.

You're the idiot.

Well AlwaysWrong, if ever I give a flying **** what you think, I'll come
up with a reason. Don't think that'll ever happen...