Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 720 Monitor



Help, please! I have a rather nice Diamond Pro FST monitor with a very
annoying fault and I have no schematic. It seems to have no vertical sync,
even without a signal. Now, I understand that certain Mitsubishi monitors
need different high density 15 pin D sub connctions, but this has its
original cable and also exhibits this fault on power on with the "Power
Save Mode" dialogue, which dances up and down the screen randomly before
changing the power mode. Applying a signal yields the same result in any
resolution with the vertical hold being lost after about two minutes
continuous on.

I have checked for the usual: Dry joints, noise on the PSU rails with the
'scope etc. but to no avail.

Any pointers, experts? Also, if anyone has a schematic for this beast, I'd
appreciate a copy, all costs covered, of course. It's far too good to give
up on and bin or pull to bits for spares.