Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Minato's electric motors



If you went to a uni, and got more than
a liberal arts degree (would you
like fries with that?),

No thanks I don't put fries oil in my car.
you could prove it's a fraud, instead of passing
it off as "news" .....

It may heve been news to you. I'm not say it is anything one way or the
other, others are. Independent people have seen them work, that is for
sure. Could be a scam or the real thing.

Steve Spence

Again, if you knew anything about science and math, you could see for
yourself that it's not news, it's BS. Get a refund on your degree .....

Fry oil makes a great automotive fuel, don't knock it.

By passing on such crap as "news", you are either a troll, confused, or
part of the scam.

Steve Spence
Dir., Green Trust


Nearly the same? What language do you speak there? What grammar do
you use? How can "The Second Law Of Thermodynamics" and "280%
efficiency in a motor-generator" be "Nearly the same"?

Could never know....


Steve Spence said:
Again, if you knew anything about science and math, you could see for
yourself that it's not news, it's BS. Get a refund on your degree .....

Fry oil makes a great automotive fuel, don't knock it.

I would ban it because of the smell alone.
By passing on such crap as "news",
you are either a troll, confused, or
part of the scam.

Can you prove these two motors are scams?

Steve Spence

You were the one "promoting" these units. The onus is upon you to
"prove" their viability. It's not logical to say black is white, and
then challenge everyone to prove black is black.

WVO smells better than diesel, and burns cleaner.

Steve Spence
Dir., Green Trust

Steve Spence

It's precisely the fact that this is a technical forum that indicates
our disinterest in these devices.

I'm really not concerned about what you would ban, or not, due to your
indication of lack of knowledge in such areas.

Steve Spence
Dir., Green Trust


It's precisely the fact that this is a technical forum that indicates
our disinterest in these devices.

You must not speak for other people.

Steve Spence

It's safe to assume I speak for the technical people on this technical

The non-technical people need to know that this device is technically a
fraud, as is most of your "news".

Steve Spence
Dir., Green Trust


It's safe to assume I speak for
the technical people on this technical

No it isn't safe at all.
The non-technical people need
to know that this device is technically a
fraud, as is most of your "news".

They do need to know. Now can you prove it is a fraud, or are you making
things up?

William P.N. Smith

You must not speak for other people.

In this at least, he sure does. Clearly, this discussion isn't going
anywhere, you want to beleive in the Tooth Fairy and Perpetual Motion,
you go right ahead, just stop pretending that those of us who believe
in Thermodynamics, Conservation of Energy, and the Carnot Cycle have
any interest in the snake oil you keep enlightening us with.

Bye now: *Plonk*


Enough already! H.L. Mencken once
said that the purpose of a college
education was "that you may know
rot when you hear it."

Sorry, but obviously you can't differentiate
rot and non-rot.

Will you please point out the rot please, as no one else here can? I would
like to know where it is.


"News" <[email protected]> said:
No it isn't safe at all.

Actually, it is, Mr. Troll. Steve does actual energy work with actual
systems. You are simply an ignorant troll.
Now can you prove it is a fraud, or are you making
things up?

Ship one here, and I'll be happy to prove that it's a fraud. Ship one to
Steve, he'll be happy to prove that it's a fraud. Ship one to Willy,
he'll be happy to prove that it's a fraud. You don't actually have any
to ship - proof enough that it's a fraud. You've claimed a system which
puts out more power than is put into it - does not work in this
universe, period, ever, as any idiot that made it through high school
physics knows - so it's a fraud. Look up "perpetual motion machine", and
get off this newsgroup, idiot.


Go to sleep, nutcase. You tire me.

I'm tired of know-it-alls who make a statement they can't back up. Prove it
is a fraud, please.

BTW, I have never said it works or doesn't.


Ship one here, and I'll be happy to
prove that it's a fraud. Ship one to
Steve, he'll be happy to prove that
it's a fraud. Ship one to Willy,
he'll be happy to prove that it's
a fraud.

So, you don't know it's a fraud then. You are guessing it is. Making
things up.
You don't actually have any
to ship

I don't own any. I have never seen them.
- proof enough that it's a fraud.

Proof it is a fraud by some people guessing from thousands of miles away,
who also have never seen them.
You've claimed a system which
puts out more power than is put
into it

I haven't claimed anything at all.
- does not work in this
universe, period,

Can you prove this?
ever, as any idiot that made it through high school
physics knows - so it's a fraud. Look up
"perpetual motion machine",

These motors do not claim to be perpetual motion machines. One improves
efficiency and one runs off magnets which eventually wear out.
get off this newsgroup, idiot.

I'm such an idiot as not to make a claim on something I have never seen.


In this at least, he sure does.

No he doesn't.
Clearly, this discussion isn't going

That is true.
you want to beleive in the
Tooth Fairy and Perpetual Motion,

I believe in the Tooth Fairy.
you go right ahead, just stop
pretending that those of us who believe
in Thermodynamics, Conservation of
Energy, and the Carnot Cycle have
any interest in the snake oil you keep
enlightening us with.

Bye now: *Plonk*

I hope you have killfilled me. That would be nice.

m II

News said:
I would ban it because of the smell alone.

But peanut oil costs too much and the virgin olive oil offended the
local streetwalkers, who felt they were being slighted.

Doesn't leave many options open.


Robert Morien

Tony Wesley said:
Add my name to those voices that Steve speaks for on this issue.

Having indulged myself in one post, I will try to avoid feed this troll
any further attention.

news represents the silent majority (in his alternate universe)


Robert Morien said:
news represents the silent majority (in his alternate universe)

I am not silent, that is for sure.

So, back to my original post, when I asked.
"Anyone have any info on this?"
Apart from a bunch of guessers, who profess to know all about the universe
and even beyond, obviously no one has info on these motors. I suppose the
end of the thread, unless someone does have info on them.