Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Minato's electric motors



Anyone have any info on this?

"Minato's motors consume just 20 percent or less of the power of
conventional motors with the same torque and horse power. They run cool to
the touch and produce almost no acoustic or electrical noise. They are
significantly safer and cheaper (in terms of power consumed), and they are
sounder environmentally"

Also this 1998 ng post on it.

If this is correct, then, electric vehicles are totally feasible, and using
the best batteries available they will have the range. Energy crisis's are
over and heat pumps will be the norm.


News said:
Anyone have any info on this?

"Minato's motors consume just 20 percent or less of the power of
conventional motors with the same torque and horse power. They run cool to
the touch and produce almost no acoustic or electrical noise. They are
significantly safer and cheaper (in terms of power consumed), and they are
sounder environmentally"

Also this 1998 ng post on it.

If this is correct, then, electric vehicles are totally feasible, and using
the best batteries available they will have the range. Energy crisis's are
over and heat pumps will be the norm.

Sorry, here is the link:

William P.N. Smith

News said:

Next we move to a unit with its motor connected to a generator. What
we see is striking. The meters showed an input to the stator
electromagnets of approximately 1.8 volts and 150mA input, and from
the generator, 9.144 volts and 192mA output. 1.8 x 0.15 x 2 = 540mW
input and 9.144 x 0.192 = 1.755W out.

Bzzzt. Thank you for playing. Next?


Next we move to a unit with its motor connected to a generator. What
we see is striking. The meters showed an input to the stator
electromagnets of approximately 1.8 volts and 150mA input, and from
the generator, 9.144 volts and 192mA output. 1.8 x 0.15 x 2 = 540mW
input and 9.144 x 0.192 = 1.755W out.

Bzzzt. Thank you for playing. Next?

The next is the German motor that requires no "external" energy at all to
run. I gave the link.

Do you work for an oil company?


News said:
The next is the German motor that requires no "external" energy at all to
run. I gave the link.

Do you work for an oil company?

No external energy,,, are you involved with the snake oil from Entertec

William P.N. Smith

News said:
Do you work for an oil company?

Not at all. I do, however, live in a universe where the Second Law Of
Thermodynamics holds true.

How does it work where you live?


News said:
Anyone have any info on this?

"Minato's motors consume just 20 percent or less of the power of
conventional motors with the same torque and horse power. They run cool to
the touch and produce almost no acoustic or electrical noise. They are
significantly safer and cheaper (in terms of power consumed), and they are
sounder environmentally"

Also this 1998 ng post on it.

If this is correct, then, electric vehicles are totally feasible, and
the best batteries available they will have the range. Energy crisis's
over and heat pumps will be the norm.

Now come on laddie get your brain in gear!
The date is 1998 and Enron is mentioned, well that's the kiss of death.
So surely if there were anything in this it would be world wide by now.
There is another site with something similar, a Japanese makes motors for
sale and has done for a few years that uses a similar ratio of power but all
his motors are stated to be used in industrial Fans.?

Steve Spence

Did you attend school? Have you ever had a thought when reading a press

You do a great job of finding the scams and pseudo science links, you
should keep a website of the stuff as a warning to those less clued in
than you ......

Steve Spence
Dir., Green Trust


SQLit said:
No external energy,,, are you involved with the snake oil from Entertec

I'm just reporting it. I am not saying it does anything.


Not at all. I do, however, live in a universe where the Second Law Of
Thermodynamics holds true.

How does it work where you live?

Nearly the same. You know what? When people said you could produce
electricity from the suns rays they all laughed and said what a crank.


The next is the German motor that requires no "external" energy at all to
run. I gave the link.

Do you work for an oil company?

Isn't everyone on the payroll?

If your not on the payroll, watch out for those black helicopters.
They will do nasty things to you, if they get you.


rebel said:
Now come on laddie get your brain in gear!
The date is 1998 and Enron is mentioned, well that's the kiss of death.

They would try to kill it at birth that is true.
So surely if there were anything in this it would be world wide by now.
There is another site with something similar, a Japanese makes motors for
sale and has done for a few years that uses a similar ratio of power but all
his motors are stated to be used in industrial Fans.?

Sounds like the same company.

Well what is your views on the SA/German motor?


Did you attend school?

A uni in fact.
Have you ever had a thought when reading a press

You do a great job of finding the
scams and pseudo science links,

Could be something in them.
You should keep a website of
the stuff as a warning to those less clued in
than you ......

No, others do that, I just look at them

James Baber

News said:
I'm just reporting it. I am not saying it does anything.

Jim responded:
It is not responsible behavior to pass along invalidated,
and in this case debunked frauds. News it is not, trolling
at best, and if anyone believes in this con to the point
that they either invest in it or cause someone else to
invest in Minato's electric motors, News is perpetuating an
actionable fraud. (Jail time)

Jim Baber
Email [email protected]

1350 W Mesa Ave.
Fresno CA, 93711
(559) 435-9068
(559) 905-2204 (A no charge Verizon IN cellphone to other
Verizon IN accounts)
See our 10kW grid tied solar system at ""


James Baber said:
Jim responded:
It is not responsible behavior to pass along invalidated,
and in this case debunked frauds.

Can you prove it's a fraud, along with the Japanese motor as well? I would
like to know.
News it is not, trolling
at best, and if anyone believes
in this con to the point
that they either invest in it or
cause someone else to
invest in Minato's electric motors,
News is perpetuating an
actionable fraud. (Jail time)

Can you emphatically prove these two motors are frauds?

William P.N. Smith

Nearly the same.

Nearly the same? What language do you speak there? What grammar do
you use? How can "The Second Law Of Thermodynamics" and "280%
efficiency in a motor-generator" be "Nearly the same"?

Steve Spence

If you went to a uni, and got more than a liberal arts degree (would you
like fries with that?), you could prove it's a fraud, instead of passing
it off as "news" .....

Steve Spence
Dir., Green Trust