Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Microhydel power generation system for building roof rain water Project

I have seen a video about electronic Project, now days I am trying to implement on my final year project. Practically I face with some trouble... for example. Real project they are getting 3+ volts/ampere from their project, but now I am getting 1.2volts, secondly how can I adjust everything’s. Like resistor, capacitor etc. on breadboard. Which things are important (parts/components) in this project? Focus: I want to turn on a light (6/9) volt battery. But my generated voltage is 1.2V. How can I increase these volts, I would like to turn on lights or charging battery (source). I would like to turn on my light or battery at the list. als I am planning to buy parts (transistor, resistor, capacitor etc.) today. So please tell me which things I have bought today, I have to finish this project by Friday. I have exam on it. also I need to write papers for it. Final Year project.
Real video:
My Project video:
and about my project thats i am preparing :
also this image: <<< Structure of my project.
please give me advices about this project. I will go to Electronic Shop for my project. So please give me list of parts, I will buy these this things tomorrow!!!
Hope everyone can give me your value advices about my Project.Waiting for you.Thanks for you in advance. Please known me. detail .
i would like to share with you about my project related a doc file. please tell me which components are important for my project, i will buy those parts. today.

please reply!!! i will buy some components for my projects


  • circuit diagram.PNG
    circuit diagram.PNG
    33.2 KB · Views: 117
Possibly too late for you to do much, but looking at the videos a big difference is orientation!

You need the rotating blades horizontal to remove the water from the system as soon as it has done the work moving the blade. Any remaining water will reduce the energy at the generator output and consume it by being moved by the blades.

Secondly an important part of the design is the water impacting on the blade, this needs to be controlled by the nozzle/inlet hole to give a nice clean flow on to the blade.

So check the inlet flow and orientation.

The generated output will be highly dependent on the generator spec (presume DC motor?) so for any particular rotation velocity the volts will be different for different parts.

Electronics wise you need a power converted between the generator and the battery, this needs to take the input voltage (generated) and convert this up to the required charging voltage for the battery. With such a circuit you will charge your battery (admittedly at different currents) for a wide range of generated voltage.

As an overall comment I think the generator turbine needs a lot of optimisation to get it efficient. This does represent a base model though. Think of the 'water mill' used historically to provide energy and the modern turbine system. This shows the evolution that the product 'probably' needs to go through, but it is an interesting area to investigate.