Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Mic Pre-Amp Chips?



Hello all,

Does anyone know if anyone makes a "chip" to do microphone
pre-amplification? I know cobbling such a circuit together with a
couple of transitors resistors and capacitors is fairly easy to do -
but I'm wondering if a chip exists that would be quicker - easier and
better. If such a thing exists - what would be a part number for it so
I could research it?
Thanks for any an all help!

Don H.


There are tons of chips that do what you need. Really any audio
amplifier would work, TI has several in both analog (class AB) and
digital (class D) varieties. Search through the audio section of and see if can find one that meets your needs (supply voltage,
output power, load impedance etc.). They also do free samples of
certain products.

Another option is to use a simple op-amp circuit. A couple of
resistors to control the gain and your done (unless you want to get
happy hunting!



Michael !

That is such a great idea! The op-amp route I mean. I will look into
that for sure. I will also check out your suggestion of looking to see
what TI might have.
Thanks so much for your very helpful reply.
Many Blessings!
Don H


LightBoy said:
Michael !

That is such a great idea! The op-amp route I mean. I will look into
that for sure. I will also check out your suggestion of looking to see
what TI might have.
Thanks so much for your very helpful reply.

If you want a professional quality pre one chip solution try this
this is meant for balanced operation. But if you just have a small electret
mike capsule, an inverting opamp stage will do as well.


Thank You, Ban,

I looked at the link and at the product in your posting. It would be
perfect - as would other op-amp soulutions, except for the fact I would
have to completely re-do the power supply to provide + (plus) and -
(minus) voltages.

As this is for installing in an existing product - I really hope to
find a solution that does not require a plus and minus voltage supply.
I will keep looking and very much appreciate the suggestions I am
receiving here. I am sure I will find some solution - probably through
all the great people in this group.

My best to you!

Don H


LightBoy said:
Thank You, Ban,

I looked at the link and at the product in your posting. It would be
perfect - as would other op-amp soulutions, except for the fact I
would have to completely re-do the power supply to provide + (plus)
and - (minus) voltages.

As this is for installing in an existing product - I really hope to
find a solution that does not require a plus and minus voltage supply.
I will keep looking and very much appreciate the suggestions I am
receiving here. I am sure I will find some solution - probably through
all the great people in this group.

Don, maybe you should scan the circuit or at least specify what voltage you
have available and what kind of microphone you want to connect.
Some mikes require a small DC-voltage (electret-capsules) to function,
others (professional condensor-mikes) need phantom-power (12 to 48V), some
have built-in batteries and some (dynamic) do not need any DC supply to
function properly.
Also the above chip doesn't necessarily need a bipolar supply, it also works
as well on a unipolar supply between +8 and +36V. There are ways to create a
virtual midpoint when you couple the signal via capacitors.


Now you have asked, I will explain a little further.
I don't require a high quality as I will be using the sound output to
modify the intensity of a string of LED's only. I have available 12 and
5 volts DC - filtered. I will be using a cheap 3 wire "Radio Shack"
minature mike - placed within 6 inches of the amplification stages. I
have used a one transitor pre-amp - driving an LM386 amp module. This
works - but I need a little more sensitivity.
You are most kind to be of such help. A professional circuit designer I
am not - but have managed to put together lots of things that work
The idea behind what I am doing is to get the string of LED's to
respond to voice and music input - much like the "color organs" so
popular in the early 70's.
I hope this all is a little more helpful by way of an explanation.
Blessings to you in beautiful Italy!
Don H

Paul Jones

I'm in Thailand .... Just bought 120 mikes for $6
They are cap type w/ built in FET amp
But i'd still need a current amp for long distance
There's plenty of voltage so just do a curr amp
It makes the mike look like it's a 1 ohm mike