Moderation Guidelines:
Our first priority at Electronics Point is to ensure that friendly and safe discussion can flow freely on the site. However, there are times that moderators and administrators may have to step in and lock a topic, remove/edit content, or even ban a member in extreme circumstances. We have a zero tolerance policy on spam, and aim to remove it as quickly as possible.
Some topics may be considered inappropriate, unsafe, unethical or offensive. We are likely to moderate content which strays into following areas (this list is not exhaustive):
- Weapons
- Spy tools
- Hacking/Piracy
- Personal or public risk
- Offensive or threatening behaviour
- Spam
- General off-topicness
- Pseudo-science
We consider some topics to be dangerous in less experienced hands (for example, mains powered circuits, high voltage/current, repairs to switching power supplies, etc...). We try to tailor our responses and advice to your perceived or demonstrated level of experience, but in some cases it may be that we feel we cannot give advice if we consider it is unsafe. If you think we've made a poor judgement call, tell us - this applies both to us assuming you know less than you do, or the reverse. By the same token, don't assume that advice offered to others is applicable to you. If in doubt, ask.
In these forums we assume that the established laws of physics are true (this applies even in the knowledge that a discovery tomorrow might alter them). If you're going to tell us they're not, or if your device requires that they're not, then this is not the place to discuss it. Any threads that engage in pseudoscience will be moderated at our discretion. They are a huge waste of time in virtually every case.