Maker Pro
Maker Pro

MEMS Sensors "Corrupted" In Quad Copter Gimbals?

I've had a constant problem with all quad copters that have been in my hands over the last several months. With each one, the camera on the gimbal will be level most of the time, but will roll a few degrees left or right. This may happen with the copter at startup, in the air, hovering, or even just idling on a flat surface. The camera may roll a couple of degrees or 20 or 30 degrees. It may return to level on its own, or it may not return at all until it's shut down.

I've eliminated every variable except the culprit. In doing further research on the gimbals, I learned that they use MEMS gyroscopic sensors, either in the main circuit board on the gimbal, or in the quad copter's main circuit board.

One common thing that all of the copters I've tried is that I've taken each and rolled, pitched and yawed them to the extremes of the gimbals' ranges. I didn't think anything of that until I read a little bit about MEMS sensors.

I'm wondering if taking the gimbals to their extremes on the x, y, and z axis, then taking the copters further, could have some sort of corrupting effect on the sensors, such that they throw off values later on.

I don't even know enough about these sensors to be dangerous, but thought I might throw out the question in hope of getting an opinion.
