Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Mediterranean and Atlantic Weather Reports



Who sail in the Mediterranean Sea and over Atlantic, knows very well
the importance of HF Radio Weather Forecasts issued by Monaco Radio.
The New Company that took over Monaco Radio activities is doing a
survey to confirm the utility for sailors of these forecasts.
Please go to to give your vote and keep the
forecasts transmitted on SSB alive.


Please go to to give your vote and keep the
forecasts transmitted on SSB alive.

Done! Everybody go to the website. The survey pops up the instant you
connect and only asks one question in French....Oui?

Glad to help, Manlio.


Followup to msg on Sat, 07 Mar 2009 00:47:43 +0000, Larry
<[email protected]> :
(Original msg on bottom)

Thanks Larry,
I wonder whether you know the story about Monaco Radio.
First: That radio issued for many many years the Meteo France weather
Forecasts, made with the help of a super computer located in Toulone
and of the International Meteo Org. The forecasts are extraordinarily
accurate and the almost only source of forecasts for people sailing
the Mediterranean and the east Atlantic with impaired band-width (only
SSB) and less money to spend on satellite devices.
Second: Monaco Radio was sold two years ago to a private Co. and
decided to shut off the HF Tx. There has been a sort of large popular
rebellion to that decision so the Monaco Authorities ( I presume)
decided to take over them the cost of the Meteo Services and the
transmissions went on.
Now .. ??.. Comes out again a survey ..
Better is to state the interest of sailing people .. I think.
Thanks for the support.
73 IK2rau


Now .. ??.. Comes out again a survey ..
Better is to state the interest of sailing people .. I think.
Thanks for the support.
73 IK2rau

Our problem, worldwide, is the shipping industry has abandoned SSB for
satellite, with good reason. So, there's little reason for governments to
continue to broadcast on HF, just like the public broadcasters giving up
7.1-7.2Mhz back to the hams on your side of the planet. HF gets more quiet
every month as broadcasters move their service to the internet.

Without the commercial interests funding the services, the services are
doomed. Sailors are just hangers on to the commercial interests and
produce little revenue.

Too bad there isn't more interest in funding all these services like this
weather service on the Sirius/XM satellite broadcast networks, which is
very cheap for the sailors.

73 and good DX.
Larry W4CSC
Charleston, SC, USA