Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Measuring "high" voltage


Phat Bytestard

[email protected] wrote...

This is proper territory for a scope-probe waveform examination.

1500V Tektronix 100:1 probes are available from the factory, or
are often seen on eBay, but you can easily make a home-made probe
by ignoring the dc resistive-divider aspect, and making an ac-only
probe with a capacitive divider. For example, if a scope's 1M
input impedance is paralleled with 200pF of capacitance, the ac
"probe" will have a high-pass response down to ~800Hz. If the
input capacitance is 2pF, then the division ratio will be 100:1

Instead of struggling to achieve exactly 2.02pF, or some other
capacitance value, a twisted-wire "gimmick" can be used to make
an adjustable capacitor that can be adjusted at low voltages to
calibrate the home-made probe.

. 100:1 ac probe with response down to 800Hz.
. 2pF ______ _
. --||---)______|_|--scope
. \ 1M 25pF
. \
. '--- cable, 175pF = 6 feet 50-ohm coax

HV coax has a much higher capacitance per foot, and will allow you to
safely arrive at the desired capacitance value using much less cable
length. One must be careful to properly terminate the tail with HV
heat shrink.

Phil Allison

"Winfield Hill"
This is proper territory for a scope-probe waveform examination.

** As I posted already, hours ago.

1500V Tektronix 100:1 probes are available from the factory, or
are often seen on eBay,

** So are much cheaper ones that are just as good for occasional HV tests.

......... Phil

John Doe

A nym shifting troll, last known here as Roy L. Fuchs,
currently on a binge in a thread crossposted to

See also:
Roy L. Fuchs <roylfuchs>

From: Phat Bytestard <phatbytestard>
Subject: Re: Measuring "high" voltage
Organization: Big Digital Dudes
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References: <1154230033.650293.126390> <vhqpc25id1l595fr86lno93dq3poehgeiq> <qa-dnW-bbP8elVDZRVnysg> <6e6qc2p8r4f25e5l49u7gglvao3rj21mu5> <ebOdnZmMUM06uFDZRVny3g>
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Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2006 22:05:31 GMT

What I have said is perfectly correct.

Nope. Also, not quoting what you are claiming is rather stupid as
But you seem to know enough about it to sort out the errors without
bothering newsgroups with vague questions.

Bugger off, bother boy.
Swat up on Ohm's Law and do
a little arithmetic.

Dumbass. That's what an HV probe does. It is a very high resistance
presented to the load so that the meter's internal resistance does not
present a load to the supply being probed.

It is Ohms law, and you have failed the test. If you knew anything
at all about HV probes you would never have come back to post this
utter crap.

You are the one that needs to BONE UP, and do some math.


What loading does a 10Meg Ohm meter present to a 1200 Volt supply?

What loading does a 10Gig Ohm HV Probe monitored by a 10MegOhm meter
present to the same source?

Are those too "vague" for you to grasp?

Ooops... You lose.

David L. Jones


Yes - the groper would love to elaborate the best that he can!! :)

I'm an using the CXA-M10A-L inverter from TDK to power the backlight of
my CSTN panel. The open voltage should be 1200 Vrms. Below is the short
datasheet: (CTR-0742-A) PRODUCT DRAWING.pdf

1. The frequency = ~28 kHz

2. The waveform = sine wave?

3. The source impedance = The only resistance/impedance I see in the
datasheet is for the load for their testing.

Thank you for yor time and any information!


Get a high voltage differential probe for your oscilloscope, that is
the best and safest way to measure it.
Probably cheaper than finding a DMM that can do 28KHz True RMS too.

Dave :)

Phat Bytestard

I recommend a Fluke 45 (which I bought about 15 years ago as my lab
standard). It has AC+DC True RMS to 100 kHz.

It would require a voltage divider. I found one that looks interesting:

Nice little device. Probably hard potted in "Stycast". Those little
shells are cool high dielectric strength suckers too. Nice design. The
probe lead negates the need for a long probe tip. Needs to be
attached before energization though.

One MUST make sure that pin one is tied to ground (read: HV supply
return or "low" side in the case of a positive supply) as well as the
return side of your meter, BEFORE energizing your circuit. Pin two
will then be at LV potential. Pin 3 should also be already hooked up
to the HV out of your circuit device under test (DUT).

Remeber also that a negative output supply will have its positive,
"high side" lead as its "grounded" side. Make sure you know which you
are testing and get your returns hooked up, or you can blow the meter
if it "floats high" (or "low" for that matter).

Winfield Hill

Phat Bytestard wrote...
Winfield Hill wrote,

HV coax has a much higher capacitance per foot,

What are some HV coax types (p/n) you like to use?
and will allow you to safely arrive at the desired capacitance
value using much less cable length. One must be careful to
properly terminate the tail with HV heat shrink.

BTW, it should be pointed out that the coax in the home-made
probe above does not see HV, only the 2pF capacitor does. It
should also be pointed out that stray capacitance conducting
any signal current to the coax center wire, besides the 2pF,
will reduce the desired 100:1 division ratio. This means
the 2pF and its LV output wire must be shielded.

The issues and techniques involving this shield and the method
of creating the 2pF and the heat shrink to hold it all together
and the nice but safe finger-hold and the sharp probe tip and
the various schemes to adjust or calibrate the probe (take a
breath) presents considerable opportunities to a clever mind.

One more comment. That 2pF had better never break down.

Ken Smith

One more comment. That 2pF had better never break down.

At the cost of some more capacitance, you can add a Sidac or other over
voltage clamp. Lets say that the scope's input is rated at 500V. You can
use a clamp rated for, lets say half that and then make sure you are
making your measurment with an input much less than that.


Any idea on how I can measure 1200 Vrms accurately? The multiimeters I
have here at the office seem to be giving wrong results!

Thank you for your thoughts!


As long as the tube lights, the voltage is kinda unimportant, compared
to the CURRENT.

These CCFL tubes have a rather variable resistance, varies during each
cycle, and varies as the tube warms up.

You'll probably find it much easier and helpful to measure the tube

Just insert a 1K resistor in one of the HV leads, put a good AC RMS
meter across it, and go to it. Note that you'll have to suspend the
meter in the air if you can't ground the HV lead going to the meter.

As others have noted, the voltage and current wavefornms are likely to
be rather peaked, so even a "true RMS" meter of the simpler variety is
likely to be a bit off. Check the meter's "Crest Factor" rathing. If
it's less than 6:1 or not mentioned, that meter is unlikely to give you
giood results. Get a real, true, RMS meter, such as the HP 3403C.
They're not too pricey on eBay, just make sure you get a working one.

Phat Bytestard

Phat Bytestard wrote...

What are some HV coax types (p/n) you like to use?

We used a military rooted, PTFE dielectric (IIRC), teflon jacketed
SPC multistranded core with a full, tightly bound SPC shield. It was
a little over an 8th inch in outside diameter. I think it was 30kV
form factor, but we used it for ultra low noise supplies. You be
amazed (or not) how much noise the supply injects into itself from the
multiplier array. I developed arrays that were shielded all around,
and the output node was a big round blob of solder. It helps when you
are trying to get a 4kV supply down to 4mV ripple. :-] The whole
thing was in a can, but the multiplier array was itself shielded from
the feedback network and output lead and RC filtering. It does make a
difference at those levels. I could more than double the output
capacity by not incorporating the RC filter, and the supply would push
it, no problem. We needed noiselessness, not brute power, however.

I can't recall exactly how many pF per foot we got from the coax,
But we used them as HV loads, and various other uses, like for
characterizing a feed forward needed in an HV feedback loop. Most
were between 5 and 20pF across several hundred MegOhms or more of
feedback resistor. Some supplies worked well with a little feed
forward on the feedback... some needed none.
BTW, it should be pointed out that the coax in the home-made
probe above does not see HV, only the 2pF capacitor does. It
should also be pointed out that stray capacitance conducting
any signal current to the coax center wire, besides the 2pF,
will reduce the desired 100:1 division ratio. This means
the 2pF and its LV output wire must be shielded.

Yes... noise is easy to inject in small signal electronics in an
unshielded environ.

Our stuff was DC, and the ripple was so small as to really be
insignificant. We ran at frequencies anywhere from 17kHz to a couple
hundred on our HV switcher driven supplies. We also made supplies for
transmitters. The England facility made up to 400kV supplies. We still
shielded things.
The issues and techniques involving this shield and the method
of creating the 2pF and the heat shrink to hold it all together
and the nice but safe finger-hold and the sharp probe tip and
the various schemes to adjust or calibrate the probe (take a
breath) presents considerable opportunities to a clever mind.

We used the left overs from potting sessions placed in a dixie cup.
It makes great stand offs for HV. One could have a one inch or a six
inch plug (drinking glass shaped) holding a circuit element... several
actually. One can even cut V shaped grooves in it to help "hold" the
wire or object in question,
One more comment. That 2pF had better never break down.

One should always have a coax rated several times greater than the
voltage being tested. Corona can poke holes right through teflon.
Good thing coax doesn't have air gaps. Another reason why the HV
shrink is needed over the tail.

The coax you suggested has a 2kV breakdown strength on the core
insulator, IIRC.

Have to watch out for poke throughs on that stuff too. More even
than my "Made for the purpose" coax.
It's like RG-174 on steroids. :-]

Phat Bytestard

At the cost of some more capacitance, you can add a Sidac or other over
voltage clamp. Lets say that the scope's input is rated at 500V. You can
use a clamp rated for, lets say half that and then make sure you are
making your measurment with an input much less than that.

We made "ripple checkers" that had 90V neon lamps as perfect little
clamps in them. Want more? Series two together. Much better than a
spark gap as they are "soft" clampers.

So any high transients that get through to the input get shunted in
the ripple checker, not your scope probe or scope.

Phat Bytestard

As long as the tube lights, the voltage is kinda unimportant, compared
to the CURRENT.

These CCFL tubes have a rather variable resistance, varies during each
cycle, and varies as the tube warms up.

You'll probably find it much easier and helpful to measure the tube

Just insert a 1K resistor in one of the HV leads, put a good AC RMS
meter across it, and go to it. Note that you'll have to suspend the
meter in the air if you can't ground the HV lead going to the meter.

As others have noted, the voltage and current wavefornms are likely to
be rather peaked, so even a "true RMS" meter of the simpler variety is
likely to be a bit off. Check the meter's "Crest Factor" rathing. If
it's less than 6:1 or not mentioned, that meter is unlikely to give you
giood results.

Very few do give crest factor data.

giood post. :-]

Fred Bartoli

Phat Bytestard said:
We made "ripple checkers" that had 90V neon lamps as perfect little
clamps in them. Want more? Series two together. Much better than a
spark gap as they are "soft" clampers.

So any high transients that get through to the input get shunted in
the ripple checker, not your scope probe or scope.

Yeah. Now try a 1kV 1ns rise time step across your neon and look.

Winfield Hill

Ken Smith wrote...
They light up purple.

They may, but we don't care because the scope input is toast.
We need a TVS, transient voltage suppressor, AKA zener diode,
with its massive sub-ns response to overvoltage. They do have
a capacitance penalty, but in this case we can live with it.

Phat Bytestard

Yeah. Now try a 1kV 1ns rise time step across your neon and look.
It will never see that high a potential in the ripple checker I
spoke of. Transient rarely rise above 200V, and that is with a 15kV

It is meant to clamp LOW overvoltages such that scope probes get
protected. Pretty simple.
Ken Smith wrote...

They may, but we don't care because the scope input is toast.
We need a TVS, transient voltage suppressor, AKA zener diode,
with its massive sub-ns response to overvoltage. They do have
a capacitance penalty, but in this case we can live with it.

One trick I've used to mitigate Zener capacitance is to use a regular
small-signal diode in series with the Zener (with the appropriate
polarity). Typically the forward capacitance of the small-signal
diode is much lower, so you get two capacitors in series. Very handy
for a rude-and-crude clamp at an opamp's output, but I've never
tried it in a transient-suppression application.


Mike Monett

One trick I've used to mitigate Zener capacitance is to use a regular
small-signal diode in series with the Zener (with the appropriate
polarity). Typically the forward capacitance of the small-signal
diode is much lower, so you get two capacitors in series. Very handy
for a rude-and-crude clamp at an opamp's output, but I've never
tried it in a transient-suppression application.

Steve, neat trick. Wouldn't you have to pre-bias the zener to get it near
the operating voltage?


Mike Monett

Antiviral, Antibacterial Silver Solution:
SPICE Analysis of Crystal Oscillators:
Noise-Rejecting Wideband Sampler:

Ken Smith

Ken Smith wrote...

They may, but we don't care because the scope input is toast.

I guess its all a matter of priorities. Pretty colors vs working scope,
you choose.
We need a TVS, transient voltage suppressor, AKA zener diode,

As I suggested elsewhere in this thread, a SIDAC would be good for this
job. You will need to keep the operating voltage at the input of the
scope well away from the voltage limit to allow room for the SIDAC, but
that wouldn't be a major problem.

One of the nice things about SIDACs is that when tripped, they "breakover"
and pull the voltage near ground. This reduces the amount of energy they
have to absorb.
with its massive sub-ns response to overvoltage.

We also need an impedance in the path from the HV that we are fairly sure
won't fail shorted. A lowish valued resistor would be good for this.
Without it, we just get to see the TVS explode a few nS before the scope
They do have
a capacitance penalty, but in this case we can live with it.

If not:

Signal ----------+-----------+-----------------Scope
! !
V ---
--- ^
! !
+200V --/\/\---+ +---/\/\-- -200V
! !
! !
--- V
^ ---
! !

The TVS and 4 diodes are likely to be destroyed if the fault happens.