Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Measure opamp output Z



For anyone who's read my previous post you know that I'm using an
MCP600x for an EA in an LDO. I first tried to do it in spice but the
FET model and the EA aren't really designed for LDO's.I'm now doing it
in MathCAD but I cant calculate DC gain as well as a pole location
without knowing Ro.

The MCP600x datasheet doesn't have output Z versus frequency graph so
I'm looking for a way to measure the output Z of the MCP600X.

I've found two ways to measure Ro.

This is from Apex

They also suggest applying a sinusoidal signal to the input and
measuring the rms current while sweeping the input frequency. Are
there any other alternatives for measuring Zo or estimating Zo from
the datasheet?

MCP600X Datasheet

LDO Showing Cpar (effective input capacitance),and Rpar EA output Ro.

DC gain of LDO.


If you're still driving the gate of a mosfet, through a series
resistor, inside a slow loop, the amp's Zout doesn't matter.

Spice should work fine here. Scribbling a Bode plot on a piece of
paper should work too.


Thanks John
first you must get the amp into a linear region then introduce a signal to the outputand measure it. this will vary from device to device but you will get a nominal.