Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How to measure the settling time for a differential opamp with a load of 10pF?


Michael A. Terrell

John said:
The problem with Sloman's Theory of Deadpan Comedy is that people don't
even see there's a joke there.

Sure we do. Everything he posts is a joke! ;-)
9 days!

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Keith R. Williams

On Mon, 15 Dec 2003 22:07:38 -0500, Keith R. Williams

They are not EC compliant, if that's what you mean.

Indeed. They don't even like the single-shot variety. Wussies!
Dirt cheap on ebay these days.

Working? I'm not sure what I'd do with one though. We have the
latest stuff at work, were I to wander into the lab again (bad
career move, but fun none-the-less).

Keith R. Williams

For a single pulse.. Yes. Must be captured, not just guessed at.

You guess? Figures. The rest of us know how to measure such
You overshot, and are reflecting noise ringing, you should be
critically damped.

You haven't a clue. usual.

Keith R. Williams

Read the title of the post again, dufus, I am not responsible for
your poorly developed vocabulary.

Of course not! You have your own inadequacies to fondle.


You haven't a clue. usual.

I was talking about YOU, not the circuit question, retard boy. YOU
need to be CRITICALLY damped. Reading troubles again? It was

Bwuhhahaha... you are a retard!


Read the title of the post again, dufus, I am not responsible for
your poorly developed vocabulary.

I never said you were responsible. I was telling you for your information.

I had the title clearly in mind when I composed my replies.
To measure:

"the dimensions, capacity, or amount of something ascertained by

This is a circular definition. Where did you get it?
If that isn't "observe, and characterize" then the school you went
to needs to shoot you.

Observe.. Measure.

Characterize... determine settling time... through observation.

Doh! Gettinzeclue.

The OP still didn't say anything about observing or characterizing.

If you are reading between the lines, then you are just as guilty as I am
of jumping to conclusions.


Keith R. Williams

I was talking about YOU, not the circuit question, retard boy. YOU
need to be CRITICALLY damped. Reading troubles again? It was

You're a fool (nothing surprising here folks)! A slightly under-
damped circuit will settle faster than a critically damped
circuit, DimBulb. Not that this has anything to do with the
price of oats in your left ear (DSO's aren't needed for such
measurements fruitloop).
Bwuhhahaha... you are a retard!

As usual, you're clueless and trying to cover your pink fanny.