Maker Pro
Maker Pro

MC1455 Comments Please



I am sitting here looking at a simple schematic for a MC1455 Timer with a
LED. The website it is posted on (
claims it is "The first inexpensive, effective electromedicine to destroy
parasites (worms, bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) throughout the body"

Before I laugh (or cry) myself into unconciousness, will someone please
tell me I am dreaming and that this idiot is not selling these?

I am a cancer patient and I really resent fraudulent treatments. Is there
any possibility this circuit has any use other than for novices learning
basic 555 timers?



I am sitting here looking at a simple schematic for a MC1455 Timer with a
LED. The website it is posted on (
claims it is "The first inexpensive, effective electromedicine to destroy
parasites (worms, bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) throughout the body"

Before I laugh (or cry) myself into unconciousness, will someone please
tell me I am dreaming and that this idiot is not selling these?

I am a cancer patient and I really resent fraudulent treatments. Is there
any possibility this circuit has any use other than for novices learning
basic 555 timers?
This is one of those devices advocated by Hilda Regner Clark. I
forget the name of her book. Google will return lots of stuff on it,
probably mostly negative.

It's also similar to the blood purifier - marketed as a plant growth

Suposedly people claim this stuff works, but they're probably
shills. I figure they're cheap enough to try but if I had cancer the
first thing I'd do is scarf vitamin C and fast. Fruit when I had to

Good luck - mind over matter.

Tim Wescott

Active8 said:
This is one of those devices advocated by Hilda Regner Clark. I
forget the name of her book. Google will return lots of stuff on it,
probably mostly negative.

It's also similar to the blood purifier - marketed as a plant growth

Suposedly people claim this stuff works, but they're probably
shills. I figure they're cheap enough to try but if I had cancer the
first thing I'd do is scarf vitamin C and fast. Fruit when I had to

Good luck - mind over matter.

First a good oncologist -- then the healthy diet.

Ken Taylor

Jerry said:
I am sitting here looking at a simple schematic for a MC1455 Timer with a
LED. The website it is posted on (
claims it is "The first inexpensive, effective electromedicine to destroy
parasites (worms, bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) throughout the body"

Before I laugh (or cry) myself into unconciousness, will someone please
tell me I am dreaming and that this idiot is not selling these?

I am a cancer patient and I really resent fraudulent treatments. Is there
any possibility this circuit has any use other than for novices learning
basic 555 timers?


Presumably if it killed all parasites that kook would be stoney-cold dead in


Rich The Philosophizer

I am sitting here looking at a simple schematic for a MC1455 Timer with a
LED. The website it is posted on (
claims it is "The first inexpensive, effective electromedicine to destroy
parasites (worms, bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) throughout the body"

Before I laugh (or cry) myself into unconciousness, will someone please
tell me I am dreaming and that this idiot is not selling these?

I am a cancer patient and I really resent fraudulent treatments. Is there
any possibility this circuit has any use other than for novices learning
basic 555 timers?

In answer to your question about the circuit, probably not.

But there might be an answer, but it will be extremely difficult for
you to do the appropriate alterations to your belief system, since,
having manifested cancer, you clearly are not in alignment with your own
Will Essence. But you _can_ learn.

Check it out - and read before you judge - remember, judgement is what got
you into this predicament in the first place:

What have you got to lose?

Good Luck!


Jerry said:
I am sitting here looking at a simple schematic for a MC1455 Timer with a
LED. The website it is posted on (
claims it is "The first inexpensive, effective electromedicine to destroy
parasites (worms, bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) throughout the body"

Before I laugh (or cry) myself into unconciousness, will someone please
tell me I am dreaming and that this idiot is not selling these?

I am a cancer patient and I really resent fraudulent treatments. Is there
any possibility this circuit has any use other than for novices learning
basic 555 timers?


.... the part that really got me rolling on the floor splitting my side was
the piece about the colonic irrigation treatment !!!!
My god, imagine stuffing a pulsating 555 up your jack!!!
Methinks the man is a crackpot - I've met many like him over the many years
I've been associated with the electronics industry.
You will find they generally mix in a lot of hokus-pokus buzz words and
revel in anything 'mysterious' - nutters, all of them.

Jerry, stick with the conventional medicine prescribed by your doctors. My
son is an Oncologist and I've seen the enormous amount of study and work he
has put in over the years, as well as listened to some stories he's told
about the 'bogus-magical-cures' that some patients have tried to their
detriment. Medical sceince has many billions of man-hours research behind
it, clever highly qualified dedicated professionals and some damn fine

Heres hoping all works out well for you.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Rich The Philosophizer" <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 2:25 AM
Subject: Re: MC1455 Comments Please

The vendor is massive parasite of the worst kind.

He should be arrested for fraud.

Sadly, there are people stupid enough to believe a flashing LED does more
than just flash.
<snip bullshit>
Check it out - and read before you judge - remember, judgement is what got
you into this predicament in the first place:

Bollocks. Judgement does not give you cancer.

Cancer is just cells reproducing excessively.
It is caused by genetic errors that are either inherited or caused by
carcinogenic chemicals or nuclear radiation or old age.

It would be nice if bad things never happened to good people,
but unfortunately they can and do.

Stop insinuating that cancer is the sufferer's own fault.
If you smoke, it probably is. Often it isn't.
What have you got to lose?

Your life, if you fall for a load of mumbo jumbo instead of seeing a
qualified doctor who actually worked to learn some real medicine.

Pig Bladder

The vendor is massive parasite of the worst kind.
He should be arrested for fraud.
Sadly, there are people stupid enough to believe a flashing LED does more
than just flash.

Bollocks. Judgement does not give you cancer.

OK, since you know everything there is to know, _you_ cure his cancer.


Pig Bladder said:
OK, since you know everything there is to know,

That's a faulty deduction.

I only stated one thing there.
_you_ cure his cancer.

Knowing what did or did not cause cancer does not qualify me to cure it.

I'd tell him to see an oncologist.