Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Manual for Goldstar OS 9040D oscilloscope?


Bob Parker

Hi again,
I've bought an OS 9040D second-hand but unfortunately its former
owner's misplaced its manual which I hope contains a schematic.
All I've found on a Google search is one person in the USA
promising a .pdf download if I send him my credit card details, which
I'd rather not do.
Anyone got any useful suggestions?

HI Bob,

I am searching for the same manual, let's keep in toutch, and share the expenses if necessary after you or I have found it. Sharing copies wiil do,


Hi folks I am not sure if I am after the same manual or not! I have got a 40mhz scope on the way to me with digital features - I know there is a line of buttons in the middle of the panel, but apart from knowing it displays time/div etc.on screen not sure what else it is capable of!
Anyway if I have the same model I will let you all know if I find a manual!