Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Making three-way audio switch


Zed Rafi

Hello all,

This is my first post in this group.

I want to make an audio input switch for my stero system at home.

My sound system only has a single AUX input, although I've got a number of
devices that i want selectively amplified through my sound system. I'm
currently unplugging/replugging RCA wires, and i'm getting tired of it.

I was originally planning on simply buying 3 pairs of RCA connectors
(input1, input2, output) and connecting them to a three-way (on-off-on)
switch which could connect the output selectively to input1 or input2
depeding on its position.

But i am wondering how difficult it would be to make a small circuit capable
of detecting current in both inputs and just outputting whatever input has a
non-zero value, without losing any quality in the audio signal.

If both inputs have a non-zero value, it would just light up a LED to
notify me that both inputs are receiving signals at the same time, and that
i need to shut one of them off.

Any thoughts or links to web pages? I'm pretty new to designing my own elec
circuits. I know what most electronic components do, but don't known how to
select them and how to arrange them to make what i want.

thanks for your help

Bob Masta

Hello all,

This is my first post in this group.

I want to make an audio input switch for my stero system at home.

My sound system only has a single AUX input, although I've got a number of
devices that i want selectively amplified through my sound system. I'm
currently unplugging/replugging RCA wires, and i'm getting tired of it.

I was originally planning on simply buying 3 pairs of RCA connectors
(input1, input2, output) and connecting them to a three-way (on-off-on)
switch which could connect the output selectively to input1 or input2
depeding on its position.

But i am wondering how difficult it would be to make a small circuit capable
of detecting current in both inputs and just outputting whatever input has a
non-zero value, without losing any quality in the audio signal.

If both inputs have a non-zero value, it would just light up a LED to
notify me that both inputs are receiving signals at the same time, and that
i need to shut one of them off.

Any thoughts or links to web pages? I'm pretty new to designing my own elec
circuits. I know what most electronic components do, but don't known how to
select them and how to arrange them to make what i want.

thanks for your help

What you ask is "sorta" possible, but the devil is in the details.
Building the basic device to switch lines based upon some detected
level is not the problem. The problems come when you consider
that you will need to have some switch threshold, so you don't
trigger on random noise. But invariably there will be program
material that goes below this threshold, even just momentarily.
So then you have to start messing with various delays. I'd rate
the odds of getting a satisfactory system as pretty low, not worth
the effort.

Best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Home of DaqGen, the FREEWARE signal generator