Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Mains adapter for digital camera.

I've just bought a used Fujifilm S3500 camera without the mains adapter
which the manual specifies as a 5V unit. From where I live, it would be
easier to make my own 5V power supply than to order it from somewhere.
Can you please clear up these points ?

1. How much current do these cameras consume ? The manual doesn't say
anything about this, but there's "5V DC 4W" printed on the underside of
the camera. Is the 0.8A max load implied by this likely to be correct ?
- I've found that this isn't always the case with some electronic

2. Would there be any harm in using a regulated 5V supply ? Some
appliances make use of the internal resistance of the power source, and
could actually be damaged by a regulated supply with a low output

John Fields

I've just bought a used Fujifilm S3500 camera without the mains adapter
which the manual specifies as a 5V unit. From where I live, it would be
easier to make my own 5V power supply than to order it from somewhere.
Can you please clear up these points ?

1. How much current do these cameras consume ? The manual doesn't say
anything about this, but there's "5V DC 4W" printed on the underside of
the camera. Is the 0.8A max load implied by this likely to be correct ?