Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Low frequency FET response, determining f[sub]L[/sub] of Cs capacitor

I'm trying to get the low frequency cutoff value of the capacitor Cs of the following ac equivalent circuit using the equation:

To do this, I'm supposed to reduce the circuit "seen" by capacitor Cs to an equivalent RC circuit where Req would be the equivalent resistance seen by Cs.

Employing Thevenin's Theorem, open-circuiting all current sources and short circuiting all voltage sources gives me the equivalent resistance as:

Req=RS||((RL||RD)+rd) which simpifies into the equation:

But the real equation stated in the internet and text books is:

So, I am missing the factor (1+gmrd) in my equation. Please help me figure out what I am doing wrong.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
there is a current source there which is a dependent current source. You can't just open circuit that.
I see....I missed that.
Thanks....I'll try to redo it
Okay, so I tried doing it by not removing the dependent current source. But I'm still not getting the answer. These are the steps I followed:


Open circuiting Cs, Voltage across this open circuit is equal to voltage across Rs. Voltage across Rs = Is*Rs, where Is is the current flowing through Rs.

Therefore V(short-circuit)=(rd*Rs/(rd+(Rs+RD||RL)))*gmVgs

Short circuiting Cs would make Rs redundant and is removed. Hence current accross this path is:

Hence Req=(rd*Rs/(rd+(Rs+RD||RL)))*gmVgs / (rd/(rd+(RD||RL)))*gmVgs

This eliminates my gm terms, which is required in the final equation as stated in the original post. Please tell me what I am doing wrong?