Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Low cost SMT links

Hi everyone,
I am trying to find low-cost, high current SMD links? All I can find seem to be expensive as they are part of current sensing ranges, or low current as they are part of film resistor ranges.
Does anyone know of inexpensive solid copper or aluminium bars on SMT reels?
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How much current do they have to carry? There are 0 Ohm resistors, which is what I use for jumpers.



Hop - AC8NS
Digi-Key offers Keystone brand jumpers in various sizes. Copper bars that are silver plated. Available on tape reels and as cut tape. See here.

Ummm, how would you attach aluminum bars to a circuit board? Miniature TIG welder?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You can get plain cylindrical copper jumpers in reels (you can also get it with tin, and sometimes even silver plating). It's pretty amazing stuff because it allows you to select the length you require as you take it off the reel using a special tool.

The trade name for these jumpers are "wire"