Maker Pro
Maker Pro

looking for schematic and hook up data for Ultra ult-vx700 ATX ps

I have a Ultra ult-vx700 power supply that I want to use in another application besides PC's. Problem is that there are not color coded wires, everything is black wiring or just plugs. I need to know the designations of the 12, 5, 3 V lines. Also, whether or not it can operate without being hooked up to a load and, if not, I will place a resistor across the 5V line and ground. Finally, as in a normal PC supply with green color to ground turning it on, how about with this one? I've googled all this and don't come up with anything so far. Thanks in advance!
You have an option of going by the pin numbers on the 20 (or 24 ) pin Molex connectors.

Google for "ATX PSU Connectors"

Better to have a minimum load of an Amp or 2 on the 5 Volts line.