Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Looking for Resources


Jean Smith

In our operations we have an alarm panel that monitors for several
alarms – panic/fire/burglary etc. It is old and we would like to
replace it. I have used the web to search for technical assistance
and there is not much out there. Our alarms come in by phone line and
the panel works by dry contacts. And that is pretty much the extent of
my techical knowledge. In replacing this panel, we would like to have
a panel that presents the information in a highly visible fashion to
our staff but does not require our alarm holders to change their
equipment. … But I really can not find any information regarding these
kind of alarm systems…. We monitor 27 alarms and use an AC100.We would
like to determine exactly what kind of system we can replace it with.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Jean Smith

G. Morgan

On 13 Oct 2004 13:33:44 -0700 "Jean Smith"
used 14 lines of text to write in newsgroup:
In our operations we have an alarm panel that monitors for several
alarms – panic/fire/burglary etc. It is old and we would like to
replace it. I have used the web to search for technical assistance
and there is not much out there. Our alarms come in by phone line and
the panel works by dry contacts. And that is pretty much the extent of
my techical knowledge. In replacing this panel, we would like to have
a panel that presents the information in a highly visible fashion to
our staff but does not require our alarm holders to change their
equipment. … But I really can not find any information regarding these
kind of alarm systems…. We monitor 27 alarms and use an AC100.We would
like to determine exactly what kind of system we can replace it with.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

What are you talking about? You want to upgrade the central station?

Who makes the AC100?


Remove the 'snails' from my email


Jean Smith said:
In our operations we have an alarm panel that monitors for several
alarms - panic/fire/burglary etc. It is old and we would like to
replace it. I have used the web to search for technical assistance
and there is not much out there. Our alarms come in by phone line and
the panel works by dry contacts. And that is pretty much the extent of
my techical knowledge. In replacing this panel, we would like to have
a panel that presents the information in a highly visible fashion to
our staff but does not require our alarm holders to change their
equipment. . But I really can not find any information regarding these
kind of alarm systems.. We monitor 27 alarms and use an AC100.We would
like to determine exactly what kind of system we can replace it with.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Jean Smith

Jean, we might need a little more information. Are you trying to keep the
panels out in the field, and just change the way they notify you in your
operations? Are all these panels in one building/location? Several
locations? Alarm Holders? Do you have some access control as well, meaning
credentials? Card Readers and cards? It's easily done...just need a few more
