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Maker Pro

Looking for photovoltaic roofing for a pergola/deck...


Chris Cole

Hi everyone,

After an admittedly fairly brief scouring of the web for any obviously
available products, I was hoping someone here might be able to point me
in the right direction.

I have a 6 x 5 metre deck on the back of my house, and am going to be
putting a transparent/translucent roof over it in the near future.

What I would like to use for the roofing material is PV sheeting/modules
which capture some of the light, converting it to eletricity, and let
some of it through.

I am almost certain I have seen such a product in either a written or TV
article at some point, but I can't seem to find anything like it
available commercially at the moment.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.


[email protected]


Chris said:
Hi everyone,

After an admittedly fairly brief scouring of the web for any obviously
available products, I was hoping someone here might be able to point me
in the right direction.

I have a 6 x 5 metre deck on the back of my house, and am going to be
putting a transparent/translucent roof over it in the near future.

What I would like to use for the roofing material is PV sheeting/modules
which capture some of the light, converting it to eletricity, and let
some of it through.

Do you have a spare $20,0000 ?

I am almost certain I have seen such a product in either a written or TV
article at some point, but I can't seem to find anything like it
available commercially at the moment.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

Read the 'newbie here' thread.

Hi Chris,

A successful solar pergola has been installed at 40 Albert Road,
Albert Park, Melbourne. Call Szencorp.

There are also cadmium telluride thin film glass sandwich panels
available that would be ideal for the job.

Hope this helps



You could also use some standard glass/glass modules - opaque cells but
transparent space between the cells. You won't be able to choose the
cell spacing, but standard products are pretty hard to beat price wise.
Plus you get a pretty checkerboard shadow pattern :)


[email protected] a écrit :