Update: I have built the first oscillator, works fine, I've tested it up to 20kHz, no probs. The wave form looks good on xoscope, except it's hard to tell how square it is at high frequencies, but that shouldn't matter much.
On the other hand, I can't get the frequency divider to work, I've tried both the original circuit and the modified vertion suggested by Kris, but I get no output, and probing around it looks like the signal doesn't get past the diodes for some reason. I'm running it off the same 9V power supply the oscillator is using.
I've done some tests, and for some reason, if I simply connect a diode to the output of the oscillator, I get a distorted square wave which still rises above and below 0, but has a slighly smaller amplitude. I was expecting an asimmetric wave, only above or below 0, depending on which way round the diode is. What am I missing?
The diodes should be 1N4148s.
On the other hand, I can't get the frequency divider to work, I've tried both the original circuit and the modified vertion suggested by Kris, but I get no output, and probing around it looks like the signal doesn't get past the diodes for some reason. I'm running it off the same 9V power supply the oscillator is using.
I've done some tests, and for some reason, if I simply connect a diode to the output of the oscillator, I get a distorted square wave which still rises above and below 0, but has a slighly smaller amplitude. I was expecting an asimmetric wave, only above or below 0, depending on which way round the diode is. What am I missing?
The diodes should be 1N4148s.