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Looking for more data on "AM7212" Texas instruments

Hello! I've been using google to my best ability, but fail to find any data on this IC.

the text is:
And it looks like a texas logo.

It seems like it's some kind of displaydriver, but it is also the only chip on a board containing a small OS of some sort (it's a pictureframe)

What i am looking for is some way to get a Analogue or Digital videosignal in and use the frame as a monitor.

I am very new to electronics, or atleast i havn't studied it in about 8 years.
Pretty profitient at soldering, even surfacemounted stuff.

so my question is, does anyone know if it's possible to get a videosignal in there? If so, How? A datasheet of the chip would be awesome aswell!

Pictures of the board:,ot4vYrq

Best Regards
Oskar Wallin

Harald Kapp

Welcome to electronicspoint.

The chip you are looking for is probably made by "Actions-Micro". Unfortunately their homepage doesn't list the AM7212 (anymore?). A very sparse bit of information can be found here. The original datasheet obviously was here, but is no longer available.
You may try to contact the company for a datasheet of their discontinued AM7212 product.

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Welcome to electronicspoint.

The chip you are looking for is probably made by "Actions-Micro". Unfortunately their homepage doesn't list the AM7212 (anymore?). A very sparse bit of information can be found here. The original datasheet obviously was here, but is no longer available.
You may try to contact the company for a datasheet of their discontinued AM7212 product.

Thank you Harald!
I will be in touch with the company in question!

Best Regards
Oskar Wallin