Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Looking for materials and diagram for a POV analog clock.

I wondering if anyone can help me locate parts and or a schematic for a POV spinng analog clock.
Not like this one:

But something more like this one:

I tried google and went like 20 pages deep into it. I used POV, propeller clock, prop clock, POV clock kit, and a combination of this.

I don't want help building it. I just want to find something.

Any help would be appreciated.
No I'm not going to sit around and wait, I'm still looking as we speak. Maybe someone else ha a different way of searching.

Thanks again.
Thanks I saw that same website, and I guess I overlooked the translation. That should help, thanks again.

I'm confused, since it's the same exact clock you were looking for, I would have expected that you would have pursued the site a little more... And I simply used Google to translate it...
I'm confused, since it's the same exact clock you were looking for, I would have expected that you would have pursued the site a little more... And I simply used Google to translate it...

Like I said, I overlooked the translation part. What is the confusion? I'm sure you have overlooked stuff that is painfully obvious, because you were frustrated. I just saw a different language and just got annoyed, lol