Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Looking for good sources of information

Does anyone have any suggestions on where I should go as a next step. Basically I am getting back into this after about 10 years. Apparently I have forgot a lot. I am looking for a good book or websites that may have some pretty basic schematics and maybe some details on how they work. I have an understanding of the basics (very basics). I know what resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, potentiometers and most of the basic components are and what they do and the basic math behind it. I am just looking for some real world examples to get me back into the game without having to go back through ohms law, Joules Law and how light switches capacitors and resistors work. I am sorry for such the newbie question. Thanks.
Google any topic you want to know about. The internet has done wonders for elec
information in the past ten years.