Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Looking for engineer to build a couple of small projects


Jim Thompson

Maybe- people tend to call themselves all kinds of things. The OP
specifies "a couple of small projects," is totally mystified by the most
elementary queries regarding specification in terms of differential
notation, knows nothing about tolerance, uses non-standard terminology
such as "burst speed" and "burst pressure" with absolutely no idea of
their definition, has no idea of the time frames, is totally oblivious
to environmental and safety/regulatory constraints, has no money most
likely, and in all probability has no clue whatsoever of what he really
needs, wants , or will be satisfied with. Sounds to me like a total
waste of time and a futile exercise in dealing with a nitwit.

You never know. I've recently seen a spate of RFQ's from companies
with absolutely no technical talent, but heavily funded by MD's.

...Jim Thompson

Spehro Pefhany

Maybe- people tend to call themselves all kinds of things. The OP
specifies "a couple of small projects," is totally mystified by the most
elementary queries regarding specification in terms of differential
notation, knows nothing about tolerance, uses non-standard terminology
such as "burst speed" and "burst pressure" with absolutely no idea of
their definition, has no idea of the time frames, is totally oblivious
to environmental and safety/regulatory constraints, has no money most
likely, and in all probability has no clue whatsoever of what he really
needs, wants , or will be satisfied with. Sounds to me like a total
waste of time and a futile exercise in dealing with a nitwit.

The only insurmountable problem is "no money".

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Tim Wescott

Fred said:
Maybe- people tend to call themselves all kinds of things. The OP
specifies "a couple of small projects," is totally mystified by the most
elementary queries regarding specification in terms of differential
notation, knows nothing about tolerance, uses non-standard terminology
such as "burst speed" and "burst pressure" with absolutely no idea of
their definition, has no idea of the time frames, is totally oblivious
to environmental and safety/regulatory constraints, has no money most
likely, and in all probability has no clue whatsoever of what he really
needs, wants , or will be satisfied with. Sounds to me like a total
waste of time and a futile exercise in dealing with a nitwit.
Assuming that you are incorrect about the 'no money', it sounds like the
guy really needs an engineer to take his technical problems in hand, and
like it could be very rewarding and productive on both sides.

Of course, it could also be a total nightmare on either side, so he
needs a diplomatic and experienced engineer who's not afraid to lay
things out fully from the start so there's no nasty financial or
scheduling surprises.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services

Posting from Google? See

"Applied Control Theory for Embedded Systems" came out in April.
See details at


Maybe- people tend to call themselves all kinds of things. The OP
specifies "a couple of small projects," is totally mystified by the most
elementary queries regarding specification in terms of differential
notation, knows nothing about tolerance, uses non-standard terminology
such as "burst speed" and "burst pressure" with absolutely no idea of
their definition, has no idea of the time frames, is totally oblivious
to environmental and safety/regulatory constraints, has no money most
likely, and in all probability has no clue whatsoever of what he really
needs, wants , or will be satisfied with. Sounds to me like a total
waste of time and a futile exercise in dealing with a nitwit.

No... Remember, that's a potential *customer*, not a technical supervisor.
A large part of engineering consists of dialogue with the customer to help
him finish inventing what he wants.

The only thing there that bothers me is "has no money most likely."
Brand-new clients get to prepay a retainer...


RobC said:
Have 2 immediate needs: a device to measure maximum burst speed for
revolving arm and display on LED. Another device to measure maximum
burst pressure.

Yes, but how do you propose to fit the device to your body to guarantee
proper detection of both burst speed and burst pressure?

I assume you have already managed to implement a means of measuring the
relative abdominal tension and clench factor prior to release along with the
required dietry regimin to ensure consistant results.



And then you moved to Arizona?? If I was wealthy I'd absolutely love
Santa Barbara.

...Jim Thompson

Come on Jim, your house would only go for < 2.0 million over here.
Sure is hard to find good talent in the SB area due to the housing

Charlie Edmondson

qrk said:
Come on Jim, your house would only go for < 2.0 million over here.
Sure is hard to find good talent in the SB area due to the housing
Went to school at UCSB 14 years ago (wow!) and they had a heck of a time
getting faculty. Folks would come down, like the program, like the pay,
and then take a look at housing costs! It made Irvine look cheap in
comparison! Problem is, a no growth city and county government, coastal
commision regulations, and barely any new housing built in 20 years...


Jim Thompson

Went to school at UCSB 14 years ago (wow!) and they had a heck of a time
getting faculty. Folks would come down, like the program, like the pay,
and then take a look at housing costs! It made Irvine look cheap in
comparison! Problem is, a no growth city and county government, coastal
commision regulations, and barely any new housing built in 20 years...


You forgot to mention that you can't demolish a house and build a new
one. You're only allowed to remodel. And their building regulations
make HOA's look like pansies.

...Jim Thompson


Have 2 immediate needs: a device to measure maximum burst speed for
revolving arm and display on LED. Another device to measure maximum
burst pressure.
I am a circuit designer in NY. Can you tell me what time frame are you
looking to complete these projects and is there cost target for each