Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Looking for engineer to build a couple of small projects



Have 2 immediate needs: a device to measure maximum burst speed for
revolving arm and display on LED. Another device to measure maximum
burst pressure.

Stanislaw Flatto

RobC said:
Have 2 immediate needs: a device to measure maximum burst speed for
revolving arm and display on LED. Another device to measure maximum
burst pressure.
Just a small querry:
d<angle>/dt ?
dP/dt ?
What LED ?
Precision ?

When do you want it and where ?

Slack user from Ulladulla.


Stanislaw said:
Just a small querry:
d<angle>/dt ?
dP/dt ?
What LED ?
Precision ?

When do you want it and where ?

Slack user from Ulladulla.

I am located in Santa Barbara Ca, A couple months.


Stanislaw said:
Just a small querry:
d<angle>/dt ?
dP/dt ?
What LED ?
Precision ?

When do you want it and where ?

Slack user from Ulladulla.

Not sure what
dP/dt ?

What works right now conceptually for the device is a magnetic sensor
utilizing the teeth of a gear. Thus getting multiple readings within
90 to 180 degree.

What LED ?

any read out display with 1/2 inch tall numbers.

Precision ?

+ /- 1 to 2 %

Michael Black

RobC" ([email protected]) said:
Have 2 immediate needs: a device to measure maximum burst speed for
revolving arm and display on LED. Another device to measure maximum
burst pressure.
Engineers design, others do the building.

You need to define which it is you need.

And this isn't a newsgroup for offering jobs.


Jim Thompson

Engineers design, others do the building.

You need to define which it is you need.

And this isn't a newsgroup for offering jobs.


Sure it is... there are actually a few designers lurking here... in
spite of the dominance by hackers ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Jim Thompson

I was located in Santa Barbara for about 20 years.


And then you moved to Arizona?? If I was wealthy I'd absolutely love
Santa Barbara.

...Jim Thompson

Tim Wescott

Michael said:
Engineers design, others do the building.

You need to define which it is you need.

And this isn't a newsgroup for offering jobs.

I see no problem with the guy offering jobs -- assuming, of course, that
monitoring this group implies that you can _do_ the job!


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services

Posting from Google? See

"Applied Control Theory for Embedded Systems" came out in April.
See details at


Jim said:
And then you moved to Arizona?? If I was wealthy I'd absolutely love
Santa Barbara.

...Jim Thompson

I prefer the weather in Arizona. You can have several hot and humid
months in SB late in the year, and the humidity is higher all year
round. Besides that, no matter how much you make, you get a house 4
times larger here, and a yard ten times as big.



Have 2 immediate needs: a device to measure maximum burst speed for
revolving arm and display on LED. Another device to measure maximum
burst pressure.
I am a circuit designer in NY. Can you tell me what time frame are you
looking to complete these projects and is there cost target for each

Stanislaw Flatto

RobC said:
Not sure what
d<angle>/dt ?# angular velocity, change of angle in unit of time
dP/dt ? # change of presure in unit of time
Both needed to determine the speed of response of the measuring
cirquitry, affected by required precision.
Precision ?

+ /- 1 to 2 %
Exactly what I said above, the circuitry should be at least 5 to 10
times more accurate to ensure what is diplayed.

Good luck and no thanks, am now in freezing "penal colony" so no
changing for the "other colony".

Slack user from Ulladulla.

Michael A. Terrell

Luhan said:
I prefer the weather in Arizona. You can have several hot and humid
months in SB late in the year, and the humidity is higher all year
round. Besides that, no matter how much you make, you get a house 4
times larger here, and a yard ten times as big.

Don't be ridiculous! A yard is 36 inches anywhere you go.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Michael A. Terrell

Jim said:
Sure it is... there are actually a few designers lurking here... in
spite of the dominance by hackers ;-)

Not to mention a few whackers?

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

petrus bitbyter

Michael A. Terrell said:
Don't be ridiculous! A yard is 36 inches anywhere you go.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Nah, ours are longer. Only call them meter.

petrus bitbyter

Spehro Pefhany

Nah, ours are longer. Only call them meter.

petrus bitbyter

Must have answered one of those spams "add THREE INCHES to your

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Fred Bloggs

Jim said:
Sure it is... there are actually a few designers lurking here... in
spite of the dominance by hackers ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Maybe- people tend to call themselves all kinds of things. The OP
specifies "a couple of small projects," is totally mystified by the most
elementary queries regarding specification in terms of differential
notation, knows nothing about tolerance, uses non-standard terminology
such as "burst speed" and "burst pressure" with absolutely no idea of
their definition, has no idea of the time frames, is totally oblivious
to environmental and safety/regulatory constraints, has no money most
likely, and in all probability has no clue whatsoever of what he really
needs, wants , or will be satisfied with. Sounds to me like a total
waste of time and a futile exercise in dealing with a nitwit.