Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Looking for an on/off digital toggle signal chip


I am looking for a chip that will enable me to input 3-12 V DC on 2 pins (+ and ground input), to get as output on 2 other pins, the exact voltage i put in those previous 2 input pins (+ and ground output) and to have a 5th pin, that if i put in a 3-12 V DC signal - Will turn on and off the electricity that goes between the previous 4 pins (+ and ground input and output).

I understand that maybe such a chip can be found on Motorola chip series MC140xx or 74HCxx or on the LMxxx (which is not Motorola, but another manufacturer, that starts with the letter N - i forgot its name).

Anyway - i need the chip to be as less expensive as possible.

Can anyone help me?


Harald Kapp


I deleted the other threads. Please refrain from postingthe same topic in multiple sections of this forum, otherwise you will be banned.
Sorry - new to electronics as well as to forums.
I could not find a thread called "analog switches".

The CMOS 4066 is a quad analog switch. It will only take signals so if you want to pass power, you will need something better.
I am trying to build a circuit to protect my 1000-2000 mAh 2-3S LiPos, from over discharging. I am using also an Arduino uno and Low voltage LiPo alarm buzzers - and at the end point i have several small servos. I think that the problems with all these chips, is that although on the logic and analog side, they do exactly what i need, but they will not be able to stand such a current as the LiPos let out. So i started searching for relays - but relays that have DC voltage of around 3-20V, not only for logic, but also 3-20 V DC for load - are kind of rare and expensive. I found mostly relays that are manufactured by opto22 - but too pricy.

Do you have any idea for a solution?

You could do this with a MOSFET transistor, or two if you need bidirectional switching. in addition you'll need a sensor that sense the voltage, and turn off the battery load. How many amps do you load the battery with?

The problem with relays is they need power to work and waste power in your battery.