Maker Pro
Maker Pro

looking for a SIMPLE halloween scarer circuit?


Hope you don't mind a total newbie butting in. I'm planning a moderate
sized halloween party for friends and family this year and have the
usual yard decorations arranged.

However, I'd like to set up a little "interactivity" with one of my
props (a skeletal abomination by the front door) that somehow will
scream and flash it's eyes when someone walks in front of it!

now my electronics skills (or lack thereof) are meagre to say the
least. My Soldering skills leave a lot to be desired for example. I had
thought of using a pressure mat or a PIR sensor to trigger the scare. I
can set up the flashing LED's ok (breadboard and 555 at the ready!) but
I don't know the best way to (a) trigger this or (b) Play the recorded
Scream (Digital recording? Tape player?)

I'm just looking for some brain storming ideas, perhaps (if I'm lucky a
few circuit diagrams) and some advice to putting this thing together. I
would prefer no high voltages and cheapness to be the order of the day.
I know there are off the shelf devices that you can buy but I'd like to
try and do this myself and with my Own props.

I'm in the UK but that shouldn't be a problem as pretty much anything
you can get from Radio shack I can get from Maplins electronics over

Anyone got some ideas? and Please excuse my severe lack of knowlege in
this field.

Rich Webb

On 10 Oct 2005 01:16:29 -0700, [email protected] wrote:

I'm just looking for some brain storming ideas, perhaps (if I'm lucky a
few circuit diagrams) and some advice to putting this thing together. I
would prefer no high voltages and cheapness to be the order of the day.
I know there are off the shelf devices that you can buy but I'd like to
try and do this myself and with my Own props. has an article on
simulating a candle flame with flickering LEDs. The text isn't online
but the code is. Might give you some ideas and would look more
"realistic" than flashing LEDs with a fixed period.


I had thought of using a pressure mat or a PIR sensor to trigger the scare. I
can set up the flashing LED's ok (breadboard and 555 at the ready!) but
I don't know the best way to (a) trigger this or (b) Play the recorded
Scream (Digital recording? Tape player?)

Maybe not a lot of help, but check out Sensors magazine article under
Destroy It Yourself.


Kitchen Man

However, I'd like to set up a little "interactivity" with one of my
props (a skeletal abomination by the front door) that somehow will
scream and flash it's eyes when someone walks in front of it!

Buy one of those outdoor lamps that uses a motion sensor. Find a
two-prong electrical outlet that screws into a lamp socket. Plug your
abomination into the outlet. There ya go.

Jasen Betts


Hope you don't mind a total newbie butting in. I'm planning a moderate
sized halloween party for friends and family this year and have the
usual yard decorations arranged.

However, I'd like to set up a little "interactivity" with one of my
props (a skeletal abomination by the front door) that somehow will
scream and flash it's eyes when someone walks in front of it!

Go with a pressure sensitive mat (they're pretty hard to foul up)
now my electronics skills (or lack thereof) are meagre to say the
least. My Soldering skills leave a lot to be desired for example. I had
thought of using a pressure mat or a PIR sensor to trigger the scare. I
can set up the flashing LED's ok (breadboard and 555 at the ready!) but
I don't know the best way to (a) trigger this or (b) Play the recorded
Scream (Digital recording? Tape player?)

If you're expecting lots of visitors go digital (otherwise be prepared to
rewind and reset the tape often) if you can set up software to react to a
signal on the joystick port of your computer you could even use it as a
source for the sound. otherwise there are ready made digital recorders
capable of a few seconds of recorded sound....
I'm in the UK but that shouldn't be a problem as pretty much anything
you can get from Radio shack I can get from Maplins electronics over

As I understand it haloween is bigger in USA than in UK so a tape might be

If you're wanting to save money you may be able to make a pressure
sensitive mat from two layers of sheet metal separsted by pvc tubing with
dents in the lower layer so it can contact the upper layer.

cross section, not to scale:

_________________ ___ top sheet of metal
_-_ O _-_ O <--pvc tube (clear plastic hse)
~~ ~~~~~ | ~~~ ~`-- bottom sheet

When someone stands on the top layer their waight squashes the plastic
tubing and the two pieces of metal come into contact.

A good way to make dents is to use the rounded end of a cup-head bolt
(or a large ball bearing) over a hole (like a ring spanner or large
nut) (whack it with a hammer) work on tough surface (ideally concrete
or stone) with wood on it to avoid scarring the work surface

Suitable pieces of sheet metal should be available at sheet metal
fabricator near you (often small pieces like would fit under a door
mat will be very cheap,

For connecting the wires copper (and steel if it's abraded clean) can
be soldered easily, if you can get it hot enough.

(use a big soldering iron or heat one corner on the stove)

if you get aluminium some sort of screw terminal may be most practical.


Rich Grise


Hope you don't mind a total newbie butting in.

That's what s.e.b is for. :)
I'm planning a moderate
sized halloween party for friends and family this year and have the
usual yard decorations arranged.

However, I'd like to set up a little "interactivity" with one of my
props (a skeletal abomination by the front door) that somehow will
scream and flash it's eyes when someone walks in front of it!

now my electronics skills (or lack thereof) are meagre to say the
least. My Soldering skills leave a lot to be desired for example. I had
thought of using a pressure mat or a PIR sensor to trigger the scare. I
can set up the flashing LED's ok (breadboard and 555 at the ready!) but
I don't know the best way to (a) trigger this and plug in a wall wart.
or (b) Play the recorded
Scream (Digital recording? Tape player?)

If you expect to get this done in time for Halloween 2005, you'd be
best off finding some kind of tape loop player and strap down the
"play" button, and power it from the same PIR outlet.

Have Fun!

Rich Grise

You can simple use my ex-wife...

Dress up like one of those stuffed dummies (kinda like a fat
scarecrow) and sit motionless, until they get close enough,
then, "BOO!" ;-D

Happy Hunting!



Hope you don't mind a total newbie butting in. I'm planning a moderate
sized halloween party for friends and family this year and have the
usual yard decorations arranged.

However, I'd like to set up a little "interactivity" with one of my
props (a skeletal abomination by the front door) that somehow will
scream and flash it's eyes when someone walks in front of it!

now my electronics skills (or lack thereof) are meagre to say the
least. My Soldering skills leave a lot to be desired for example. I had
thought of using a pressure mat or a PIR sensor to trigger the scare. I
can set up the flashing LED's ok (breadboard and 555 at the ready!) but
I don't know the best way to (a) trigger this or (b) Play the recorded
Scream (Digital recording? Tape player?)

I'm just looking for some brain storming ideas, perhaps (if I'm lucky a
few circuit diagrams) and some advice to putting this thing together. I
would prefer no high voltages and cheapness to be the order of the day.
I know there are off the shelf devices that you can buy but I'd like to
try and do this myself and with my Own props.

I'm in the UK but that shouldn't be a problem as pretty much anything
you can get from Radio shack I can get from Maplins electronics over

Anyone got some ideas? and Please excuse my severe lack of knowlege in
this field.

An added touch might be a buried loudspeaker. I did that
many years ago. Dug a big hole behind some bushes, put the
speaker in a drain pipe and covered it with cotton tee-shirt
cloth, then filled the hole with dirt. I had about 2" of dirt
on top of the tee shirt cloth. You could still hear the thing,
but the kids couldn't locate the source.
