Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Looking for simple 2.6 Ghz circuit

Does anyone knows a simple 2.6 Ghz frequency circuit diagram that uses transistors and common components. I would be glad if anyone willing to share.
Sir dante_clericuzzio . . .

a simple 2.6 Ghz frequency circuit diagram that uses transistors and common components.

Confucius and "SEASONED RF EXPERTS with multi multi multi DECADES of experience " say . . . .

They AIN'T being no such thing as a !&?@#!#%&!
"simple" 2.6 Ghz frequency circuit diagram that uses transistors and common components.
( to wit . . . . . such as being akin to your avatars simplicity )

The closest would be the using of SWIF frequency determining elements in its design
Unless you buy and use a predesigned module of that design technologyv . . . . as that is what is being used in home portable phones that are using that frequency spectrum. 2/Issue 10/IJEIT1412201304_41.pdf

73's de Edd