W. eWatson wrote:
That may include the humidifier.
When you get home, you can measure with an ammeter and be sure.
IMHO, it doesn't. From the little I've read, the 'isolators' are
just two heavy duty diodes mounted on a heat sink. Current from
your alternator connects to the anodes and the cathodes connect
to each of your batteries respectively, preventing one battery
from discharging the other. It's simple and clever:
Diode 1
.--o |
| | Diode 2 o
| ---->|-----. ( Auto
.---|--. | ) Fuse
| o | | o
| | | |
| | | |
| | Car | | CPAP
'------' Batt--- --- Batt
Alternator - -
| | |
=== | |
GND === ===
(created by AACircuit v1.28.6 beta 04/19/05
We pay more for ampere hours when they
are packaged in small (SLA) quantities as compared
to large (deep cycle battery) quantities....
Best of luck.