Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Long shot--Game Plan Tank Battalion schematics ?


Rua Dumas

I know this is kind of OT but I have tried all the arcade game
newsgroups and nada.
If any one can help me or point me in the right direction I'd really
appreciate it.
The PCB is missing a socketed IC at location 2D . I just need to find
out what populated that socket.

Thanks for listening and offering suggestions, August

Arfa Daily

Rua Dumas said:
I know this is kind of OT but I have tried all the arcade game
newsgroups and nada.
If any one can help me or point me in the right direction I'd really
appreciate it.
The PCB is missing a socketed IC at location 2D . I just need to find
out what populated that socket.

Thanks for listening and offering suggestions, August

Is there definitely a chip missing from there ? Some pinball tables that
I've been involved with, have a DIL socket for plugging a diagnostic rig
into. Also, my own pinball table's processor board has several unpopulated
DIL sockets, which are for extra game ROMs, when the processor is used in a
different table. Just a thought.
