Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Local language speaker

hey..i want to do a project to produce a device which converts text to speech in multiple languages and also language conversion to speak unknown languages...can any one give me some suggestions??
Hi Hafiz

There is a device which does this already - the computer. :)
This does not sound like homework either, because no teacher could be that unreasonable. So why do you want to reinvent the wheel?
Google text to speech programs, choose one that supports the languages you will be working with... Support to integrate these programs into most computer OS systems is generally built in so they are easy to setup...
Hi Hafiz

There is a device which does this already - the computer. :)
This does not sound like homework either, because no teacher could be that unreasonable. So why do you want to reinvent the wheel?

hey...a computer or even lap is difficult to carry along with us where ever u go..right???..suppose u r in a place where u don't the language of the native if u want to speak something to someone,right now..what u will do??jz go home n get the translation???k..leave it i meant this project as a helping aid for persons who is according to ur opinion he have to carry his lap everywhere he is going..right????
no a computer is a few things, smartphones now have apps to do this. there are little translation computers that you swap out the memory card for each language and it says the phrase for you. these are no bigger than a smartphone and smartphones have dual core processors now. don't think a computer is a laptop or even a desktop. the raspberry pi fits in your hand and is the exact same as a tower.