I am feeling very stupid because I cannot see where I am going wrong with the simplest of circuits. I want to build a TENS device which passes a square wave current through the skin adjustable between 10 to 600 microAmps. The LM334 device looks suitable. Its datasheet shows it giving a current determined by a resistor between its OUT terminal and its ADJ terminal but I am getting an unexpected Output current.
I am feeding its INPUT from +15Vdc through an ammeter. With a 1K resistor the current is 1.9mA, with a 20K I get 1.7mA
and with 100K I meas ure 1,8mA. Can anyone suggest what might be the reason for these unexpected results? Thanks.
I am feeding its INPUT from +15Vdc through an ammeter. With a 1K resistor the current is 1.9mA, with a 20K I get 1.7mA
and with 100K I meas ure 1,8mA. Can anyone suggest what might be the reason for these unexpected results? Thanks.