Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Linking Computer Power Supplies

Hey Sinnister
Here's what I think is your best course.
Get the biggest power supply you can find from at least 12V and up to about 14V, put a "12V" lead acid battery in good condition across it, and run your stereo from the combination.
Monitor the battery using a permanently connected and often-consulted analogue meter movement across the battery with limits marked on the dial.
Switch the power supply on/off manually (between songs).

Please Can you give me some more info about this setup?

What kinda battery do i Need? like where would I find it?

people say that's a bit dangerous because when you charging the battery you need to open the Caps and then you can risk spilling the acid or something along those lines...

What about a Sealed battery, something similar to what they use in electric gate motors for a backup when there's no power, or in a home alarm system, Would something like that work?

Hi again Sinnister
it's good you realise that you'll have to take care of the battery in a situation like this. Perhaps an auto-electrician can help you get a standard motor car regulator into the circuit. Otherwise...
Perhaps sealed lead-acid cells need even more care than their liquid counterparts in that you can't even see what's going on with the electrolyte. And boy they won't be cheap. At least with a liquid battery you can watch hydrogen fizzing off so you know how fast it's charging, and you can refill with water when you see the plates getting exposed. With sealed cells you'll need sophisticated regulating equipment.
I'm sorry I can't imagine a really safe, easy way to get such extremely large currents for nothing. I might be wrong but barring fairy godmothers with huge reguilated supplies to give away I think your requirements are impossible.