Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Led resistor types


I am buying a rather large amount of 3v white LED's and will be wiring these in series with resistors. I was planning on using Carbon Film Resistors for this but I havnt used these before and don't know much about them. I just wanted to check that this type of resistor is good to use to drop the power for an LED?

Im looking at using them as its the cheapest ive found.

Thanks all
Do the calculations - this will give you the power rating for the resistors you use and you can select the correct one from that.
It doesn't matter what 'type' of resistor you use in this type of application although the physical size might make you lean one way or another.
Although the type doesn't matter, it is good to over-shoot the needed wattage rating for lower thermal density, and if using a PCB, to leave long(ish) leads so less heat is transferred to the solder pads.