Maker Pro
Maker Pro

LED flashlight - the dark side.


Ian Stirling

Well, not quite.
But, I recently found a source (that I have no relation to other than
as a customer) for small
quantities of cheap small cells for reterofitting single-cell flashlights
with LEDs.

For example, a pack of 10 1/3 AAA cells (150mAh) for $12.95 shipped
worldwide or 8* 1/3AA.
(check the dimensions, the 1/4 AAA cells are really 1/3 AAA, and the 1/3AAA
are really 1/2)

This eliminates one hastle (having to make a step-up converter) though
it does mean you have odd-shaped batteries.

The capacities are of course lower, for 3 1/3AAA cells, 64% of the
energy and about 50% for AA cells.

Jim Yanik

Well, not quite.
But, I recently found a source (that I have no relation to other than
as a customer) for small
quantities of cheap small cells for reterofitting single-cell
flashlights with LEDs.

For example, a pack of 10 1/3 AAA cells (150mAh) for $12.95 shipped
worldwide or 8* 1/3AA.
(check the dimensions, the 1/4 AAA cells are really 1/3 AAA, and the
1/3AAA are really 1/2)

This eliminates one hastle (having to make a step-up converter) though
it does mean you have odd-shaped batteries.

The capacities are of course lower, for 3 1/3AAA cells, 64% of the
energy and about 50% for AA cells.

I bought a single AAA LED flashlight at Wal-Mart for <$6.00 US,made by
Dorcy,it came with one AAA alkaline cell.